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Old 09-17-2016, 09:00 PM
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Default Dogface puffer yyc

Have a small dogface puffer I need re-homing experienced owners only please ! Will get a pic tonight at feeding time bought him when he was about 1.5 inches he is about 4 inches now . Will not sell to anybody that does not already have an established tank of at least 150g .

Wanted to keep him as its doing good with my Old Dogface . The big guy bite the little one a couple times but now they get along however I also have a green chromis that has been with me for 8 years and survived being mantis shrimp food . Bought 6 chromis to feed my mantis and he ate all of them but 1 and they lived together until I lost my shrimp , then moved him with my big puffer and they lived together until now so the chromis has a cool story and I like him to much . I had a blue spot puffer a small dogface, 2 talbot damsels (from a guy that was moving) so the chromis was not coming out I noticed before I added the damsels , so I got weary of the blue spot puffer he was still pretty wild in behavior ended up selling him to a member , chromis still does not come out so I get rid of the damsels to another member boom chromis comes out . However he only swims on the out-scurts of the tank wont go near the rocks give him a couple weaks to heal and re-adjust . Wake up today the chromis is swimming straight up and down barley moving looks like he has a bit more damage so looks like Im down to removing the little dog face too . Its like a curse I have a 4ft cube and I can only keep 2 fish lol . So its back to just the big Dog and the chromis for now . Never knew chromis got picked on by so many fish thought they were quick enough .

So if anybody is interested in the fish please pm me really important that he goes to a good home . When I buy fish I buy with the intentions of keeping them for life so getting rid of one really does not sit well with me . Hence why its important dont want him dying due to my inability of caring for it .
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Old 09-17-2016, 09:50 PM
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Have you ever had him with any other fish like tangs, angels or wrasses? Im sure he'd do ok in my FOWLR.

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