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Old 01-27-2016, 07:21 PM
r212019 r212019 is offline
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Default Stock/Feeding

I currently have a yellow tang, six line wrasse, 2 clowns, chromis and a green goby.

In the morning I put in 2 pieces of seaweed, approx 2x2 each for the tang to eat throughout the day. I clip them to the glass. When i get home i drop in approx 25-30 pellets, not all at once. a few at a time so that i make sure they get eaten. then later in the evening i feed the tank a cube of mysis shrimp. i rinse the cube first.

is this too much food? my fish all seem fairly healthy, yellow tang is fat, 1 clown is really fat, other is normal sized, six line seems healthy and plump. chromis is getting bigger and i rarely see the tiny little green goby but he comes out and eats the mysis.

side note, how often should i be cleaning my glass? it seems like it needs a good cleaning every 3 days, its driving me crazy.
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Old 01-27-2016, 08:24 PM
Animal-Chin Animal-Chin is offline
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Sounds like a well balanced diet to me. Are you having water quality issues? If not, I don't think its too much. If you do have really high nitrates you could alternate pellets one day, Mysis cube the next, something like that.

In my experience the well fed fish are the mellow fish. You have a pretty mellow group to begin with so its not a big issue but I think aggression in a tank comes from competition. I try and create a non competitive atmosphere where everyone gets what they need.
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Old 01-27-2016, 08:41 PM
r212019 r212019 is offline
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The Yellow Tang is def the boss of the tank. He hammers back most of the pellets. The clowns and chromis do get a few but the majority go to the tang. My fish dont seem to fight much.

My main concern is cleaning the glass every few days. I was just wondering if the amount i was feeding them was causing this. My glass gets the brown like dust crap all over it. i my tanks been running for over 10 months now and im going to lose my mind scraped the glass every few days. i read that it is diatom and i should leave it and it will end off dying off. its been almost 2 weeks and it doesnt appear to be dying off, it just looks gross. should i wait longer or scrape from the bottom to the top and pull it all out? before i was just scraping all over and it was just floating all over the tank. side note, my tang loves eatting it when i scrape it down and it floated around.

to my knowledge, my nitrates have been fine. i did have an issue with my skimmer about 2 weeks where it stop working. i discovered that there was a kink in my airline hose. but now its working again and pulling out some gross crap

any advice
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Old 01-27-2016, 08:57 PM
Animal-Chin Animal-Chin is offline
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I've heard rumors of tanks where glass didn't get algae but I've never seen one. I use a mag float to clean my glass every day. If it is really thick then ya you may have a phos or nitrate issue but if you just get a daily dusting on the glass, I consider this normal and I know most people feel this way too.

How long do you run your lights? What kind are they? This could be a factor too, if you're running strong lights for like 12 hours it could be the issue...
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Old 01-27-2016, 11:41 PM
r212019 r212019 is offline
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AI Hydra 26, 8 months old

my blues turn on at 7am, at 8am the rest of the lights start to ramp up. at 10am they are halfway on. At 1pm they are fully on. At 5pm they start to ramp down. at 8pm they are halfway down. At 10pm the lights go off but the blues stay on at 3% until mid night. midnight to 7am the tank is off completely.

should i change this?
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Old 01-28-2016, 03:56 PM
Piscez Piscez is offline
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Sounds like a light cycle that is not out of the norm, as mentioned, it's pretty rare that you don't need to scrape the glass every couple of days or so, there are so many factors causing this ie: lighting, bio load, age, cycles, phos, Ni etc levels, just have to accept this is part of the hobby as routine maintenance, not worth pulling your hair out over.
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