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Old 06-03-2015, 04:52 PM
FishingGoalie FishingGoalie is offline
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Default Help Flukes

I have flukes in my tank and need to get rid of them lost a trigger last week and now my vlamigi has flukes. I can easily take corals out of my tank if needed. Whats the best way pf getting rid of them? I dosed prazi pro and i think it worked alright but im worried the vlamingi is already too far along.

I could turn my display into QT but what do i dose? I cant find much online about it so hopefully there is some input on here.

Any help is appreciated.
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Old 06-03-2015, 05:01 PM
George George is offline
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Are you sure it's flukes? What symptoms do you see?
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Old 06-03-2015, 05:08 PM
FishingGoalie FishingGoalie is offline
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Originally Posted by George View Post
Are you sure it's flukes? What symptoms do you see?
Pretty sure. I have a fish person, Nate, who takes care of fish tanks for a living would said thats what it was. Symptoms are acting itchy cloudy eyes discoloration on the scales in blotches.
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Old 06-03-2015, 08:08 PM
George George is offline
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ok, for the first step, you could try a fresh water dip. This has 2 advantages. First is to confirm you really have flukes. Some flukes will fall out under a fresh water dip. Google the fresh water dip protocol and what flukes look like. Second, a fresh water dip can give a temporarily release to your fish because it reduces number of flukes on their bodies.
The best medicine to treat external flukes is still prazipro (PP). Dosage is 5ml per 20 gallons. You can go higher dosage if you want. I have dosed up to 2X the labeled dosage without any ill effect.
The best way to do this is in a QT without skimmer and such because this stuff makes your skimmer go crazy. It will also very likely kill your sensitive tube worms, feather dusters, etc if you have any. I heave heard of strong light can break down PP so leave your lights off if you can.
It will reduce oxygen level in your tank so find a way to add oxygen to your QT (air pump).
Leave the fish at the water with PP for 5 days. After 5 days, do a water change. Leave the fish there for another 5 days without any PP. Add PP again after 5 days of no PP. Leave the fish there for another 5 days. The 5 days of no PP is for killing any flukes that hatch from eggs because apparently PP can't kill flukes eggs. Some people report of doing more than 2 rounds of PP.
PP can suppress appetite on some fish so it's normal for your fish not eating during treatments.

Good luck!
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