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Old 03-10-2015, 03:11 AM
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Default FS: MP10wES or MP10ES - 2 available - Burnaby

I'm looking to upgrade to the new QD units

I will sell the 2 EcoSmart units I have for either;

MP10ES $170 each (new is 268 w/tax) and I keep the wireless module, or

MP10wES $215 each (new is 335 w/tax)

Units are 2010 models and I still have the boxes.
I replaced a dry side on one ($120) back in early 2014 and the bearings on the other dry side last summer.
Both are running quiet without issues. I'm just a sucker for new stuff

Only caveat is you would have to wait 'till my new units arrive before you can take these away as they are still running in my DT.
Although I could probably put a couple MJs in if you really want them now, and I pray I don't get a power outage

Shipping available at buyer's expense with EMT (PM me your postal code), but I'd prefer to sell local as they can be heard running in my system; we can play with settings etc so you're satisfied.

PM for a viewing/listening time
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Old 03-10-2015, 05:35 AM
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Forgot to mention I'm running them with ReefLink so they have the latest firmware installed (if that matters to you)
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Old 03-10-2015, 05:01 PM
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I'll probably not get what I want for these units so they're no longer for sale.
I will just update the drivers instead
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