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Old 03-03-2015, 08:15 PM
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Default Getting a QT up and running in a pinch?

In anticipation of my new tank, I am going to set up a quarantine tank.

Currently I have a 30g holding a bunch of live rock with a couple of damsels and a clown in there. Can I remove the fish and rocks (leave a piece or two maybe?) and use it as is? Or should I drain the tank and use newly mixed water? A combination of both?

For filtration, something like a AquaClear with filter floss?

I have a MaxiJet 1200 for circulation. Will that suffice along with the HOB filter?

I have a LED strip light so I think that will be fine.

What else do I need to know for setting it up? How often for water change and what percentage? Use Prime?

I want to keep the fish in there just for observation for a month, unless symptoms arise then I'll medicate. Yay or nay?
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Old 03-03-2015, 08:21 PM's Avatar is offline
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No rock, no substrate, use a hob aquaclear full of hydroton and pieces of pvc for fish to hide
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Old 03-03-2015, 09:44 PM
Animal-Chin Animal-Chin is offline
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If you plan on keeping it up and running you can leave some rock in there. Your plan looks good, i have a 20 long with a HOB filter and a cerc pump in it. I have like 5 pounds of liverock to keep the good bacteria going but it will never end up in my display because I've medicated in the past...
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Old 03-03-2015, 10:01 PM
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I am torn with this subject myself I think I may add some dry rock/ liverock rather than pvc for hiding my qt will be running constantly and would like the rock for filtration purposes may even scatter rubble on the bottom vrs sand

Just remember if meds used it cannot re enter display
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Old 03-03-2015, 10:16 PM
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Originally Posted by View Post
No rock, no substrate, use a hob aquaclear full of hydroton and pieces of pvc for fish to hide
I have some PVC elbows lying around. Will toss them in. Hydroton I will go find some at JL. Any particular brand you recommend?

Originally Posted by Animal-Chin View Post
If you plan on keeping it up and running you can leave some rock in there. Your plan looks good, i have a 20 long with a HOB filter and a cerc pump in it. I have like 5 pounds of liverock to keep the good bacteria going but it will never end up in my display because I've medicated in the past...
Yes I plan to have it running for a while, at least throughout 2015 as I gather more fish for the DT. I can leave a few pounds of LR in there, got more than enough.

Originally Posted by lockrookie View Post
I am torn with this subject myself I think I may add some dry rock/ liverock rather than pvc for hiding my qt will be running constantly and would like the rock for filtration purposes may even scatter rubble on the bottom vrs sand

Just remember if meds used it cannot re enter display
No re-entry after meds, gotcha.
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Old 03-03-2015, 10:39 PM
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I would leave the rock out. Just leave it bare boned. The rock will hold the meds forever especially a copper treatment and will also allow the parasites to continue to repopulate due to the rock being porous giving them a place to hang on to. Plus when you shut it down it will be a lot easier to sterilize with bleach.
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Old 03-04-2015, 12:14 AM
seabreeze seabreeze is offline
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I recently set up a QT tank for a candy cane basslet, and then for a couple of possum wrasses once he went over to the DT.

I used a 20gallon with a HOB filter. I put my candy cane into it the same day it was set up. Added Microbactor7 as per instructions to help cycle and regularly added it after as well.

Also put in a foam filter (extra aeration plus more surface area for bacteria to grow).

Added a seachem ammonia checker on the front to watch ammonia levels.

First week or so changed maybe 25% water every couple days (which really was just a bucket full. Took water from my DT and my DT got a bit of newly mixed water every few days... I must say the corals all seemed to love it too!!! Those little bits of trace elements in there (and whatever else) really help!

Bare bottom.

Like you I went for some rock in my QT tank... made it look cozy (not too much)

I had some that I had kept in my sump so that really helped with the cycling. As a matter of fact I never had any rise in ammonia/nitrites/nitrates that I saw... and I did run some tests. (That candy cane basslet was just too expensive to chance it lol).

I also but some of that barnacle rock in there... great for hiding spots... JL had it.
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Old 03-04-2015, 03:19 AM
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Thanks for all the advice so far, I think I have a much better grasp of what's necessary.

As for the water, that's my one confusion. Should I:

a) keep the current QT's water

b) change it out completely for newly mixed saltwater

c) half and half

These are my only real options at the time. I can possibly take 10-15g out of my RSM 130 if that's necessary, I'll just think of it as a water change for the RSM.

And how often do I do my WC in the QT? At what percentage?
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Old 03-04-2015, 12:56 PM
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The water from your DT to start the QT is fine. You have to be vigilant in testing your water for ammonia. Then you start your water changes at 50% or better. Again you test every other day and change water when test numbers start to rise
I believe Reefkeeping is not a hobby but a way of life It's unfortunate mine is at a stand still!
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Old 03-04-2015, 01:20 PM
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If your using water from your display tank there should be no real cycle unless you add uncured live rock or something dead like shrimp

Now if you where using new water that's a different story you will have to wait for it to cycle
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