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Old 08-14-2014, 05:48 PM
jhj0112 jhj0112 is offline
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Default what fish should I add in my RSM 130


I have a pair of clownfish, shrimp goby and clown goby in RSM130.
I want to add 1 to 2 fishes in the tank.

I have considered below fishes.

Dwarf angel ( either Coral beauty or Cherub)
Bangii cardinal

however, I understand hawkfish can/will kill my shrimp goby and may nip on corals, Dwarf angels are also aggressive and may pick on corals especially LPSs. I think Bangii cardinals are too small ( i still like them).

What you guys think?? I have LPSs in my tank ( Hammer, RBTA, Zoas, Acans) and want to add frogspawn or Anamone and possibly a small clam in the future.

Any suggestion is greatly appriciated
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Old 08-14-2014, 06:54 PM
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Originally Posted by jhj0112 View Post

I have a pair of clownfish, shrimp goby and clown goby in RSM130.
I want to add 1 to 2 fishes in the tank.

I have considered below fishes.

Dwarf angel ( either Coral beauty or Cherub)
Bangii cardinal

however, I understand hawkfish can/will kill my shrimp goby and may nip on corals, Dwarf angels are also aggressive and may pick on corals especially LPSs. I think Bangii cardinals are too small ( i still like them).

What you guys think?? I have LPSs in my tank ( Hammer, RBTA, Zoas, Acans) and want to add frogspawn or Anamone and possibly a small clam in the future.

Any suggestion is greatly appriciated
I have an RSM 130 as well. My newest addition was Stu, the sapphire (springer's) damsel. Despite being a damsel, he isn't aggressive towards my other fish, aside from his strut when they get close to his caves, but he has never chased anyone away. It's all just show. From my research, sapphire damsels are the most passive of the damsels. He got beat up a bit when he was first put in the DT, part of his tail was ripped, but it healed quickly and there have been no more injuries since.

I got him when he was super duper small, and hes grown quite a bit, but has kept his temperment. It's also neat to see them change colour. When they are stressed or hiding (like when you first introduce them to the tank/QT) they will turn all black, then instantly go back to the blue/black chequered look when they are feeling safe.

He's hard to photograph since hes quite active, and the photo doesn't near capture the brightness of his blue colour, but this is he

My stocking list:

2 black clowns
1 purple firefish
1 yellow watchman goby (he is probably the most aggressive in my tank)
and the sapphire damsel

I've got a mixed reef with an RBTA.
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Old 08-14-2014, 07:17 PM
jhj0112 jhj0112 is offline
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Thank you !! Wow!! that damsel looks so cool!! on the side note, what kind of skimmer you have in your tank?? I'm thinking Tunze 9001 but not sure. I will definately look into this fish!!
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Old 08-14-2014, 08:45 PM
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I am just using the stock skimmer that comes with the RSM 130D. I haven't upgraded anything except the lights, which I ripped out and replaced with a rapidLED DIY dimmable LED kit
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Old 08-15-2014, 02:50 PM
jhj0112 jhj0112 is offline
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Thanks Tlhood! I went a LFS and saw a Flame Angel in there reef DT..
We are so intrigued by this angel... any other suggestion? please?
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Old 08-15-2014, 03:59 PM
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Originally Posted by jhj0112 View Post
Thanks Tlhood! I went a LFS and saw a Flame Angel in there reef DT..
We are so intrigued by this angel... any other suggestion? please?
The long nose hawk fish would be a great addition, ours has quite the personality and is very enjoyable and entertaining, another nice little fish is the purple headed fire fish, just got one from Oceanic Corals in Aldergrove.
Hey! I never "LEFT" the hobby, just doing fresh water now. Which is still listed as part of Canreef if I'm not mistaken.
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Old 08-16-2014, 04:05 AM
jhj0112 jhj0112 is offline
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thanks laurie!! that's the one I have I thought if as well.. really nice fish!!
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Old 08-16-2014, 04:37 AM
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With a small stock list like your tank has you'll want to watch out for bullies that will 'take over' the tank when they get older, territorial and grumpy as they'll protect their food zones and create havoc

I mention this as my Bangaii, after 2 peaceful years, turned into the biggest jerk in my 75G and was chasing every one of my Wrasses, no matter the size ... all the other 14 fish were harrassed constantly
He'd chase anyone who came near him, no matter where he was hovering, so basically the whole tank was his
And he'd keep chasing, not just chase away, but pursue

Suffice it to say I like a peaceful tank and the 'tard was re-homed
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