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Old 03-09-2015, 12:01 AM
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Question Need stocking suggestions, Fish and Inverts

As some of you may know, I have started a 65 gal tank. Coral plans are for SPS dominant, with a few LPS and zoas. 80 gallons with the sump, and using Zeovit.

I am needing suggestions in regards to stocking the tank and in what order (if any) should I add them.

Currently the tank is pretty bare, diatoms receding and no coralline yet. All my parameters are good, and I've got a grasp on the chemistry.

Other than a few corals, the only other thing in the tank at this time is a Yellow Tail Damsel, that appears to be doing fine, showing no signs of ailment or ick. He gets fed once every 2 days only because I don't want to pollute the tank.

So what's next? What is suggested for CuC? How many? What should be avoided?

In regards to fish, I'd like a pair of True Perc's, and a Copperband. What about other fish? Obviously the tank size limits the fish size, so Tangs and Angels are out of the question... that's fine.

What are some good small fish for a 65? Any particular order in which I should add them?

I would like to have lots of fish, with lots of colours.

Hmmm... maybe I should upgrade.
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Old 03-09-2015, 12:31 AM
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I'm fairly pleased with my Starry Blenny. Hands down the biggest personality in my tank. My flame angle is nice too.
CUC seams pretty personal. I've had tons of hermits in my tank over the years, they've all been nasty buggers to my snails, so I'm done with that. I love my nassarius snails, fighting conchs.
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Old 03-09-2015, 01:01 AM
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I just bought a stripped clingsfish they are pretty small super cool fish that you usually never see in peoples aquariums .

Are you considering wrasse ?Mystery wrasse would be a nice colorful fish .

Once you get a pod population going strong a dragonface pipefish are cool I have 2 in my tank lots of fun to watch and they are good pest control for sps corals
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Old 03-09-2015, 01:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Skimmer Juice View Post
I just bought a stripped clingsfish they are pretty small super cool fish that you usually never see in peoples aquariums .

Are you considering wrasse ?Mystery wrasse would be a nice colorful fish .

Once you get a pod population going strong a dragonface pipefish are cool I have 2 in my tank lots of fun to watch and they are good pest control for sps corals
I would love a tank full of Wrasse's, but I've always thought of them as advanced(?).
I really don't know a lot about SW fish.
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Old 03-09-2015, 02:33 AM
mohammadali mohammadali is offline
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Originally Posted by Skimmer Juice View Post
I just bought a stripped clingsfish they are pretty small super cool fish that you usually never see in peoples aquariums .

Are you considering wrasse ?Mystery wrasse would be a nice colorful fish .

Once you get a pod population going strong a dragonface pipefish are cool I have 2 in my tank lots of fun to watch and they are good pest control for sps corals

i thought the pipe fish got to be in low current water ? with reef safe fish not with clown or damsels ? they starve to death
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Old 03-09-2015, 05:55 AM
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I'd second the suggestions of wrasses, a great selection out there in terms of colours, sure to add some good contrast in the tank with your SPS. Just bought a melanurus last week, inexpensive and pretty. Fairy wrasses are very nice, IMO.

CBB may be prone to pick at corals from what I've read but I have no personal experience with one.

True perculas are nice and all, but consider designer clowns, plenty of variety and they are more "interesting" in terms of colouration and patterns. I love my Onyx pair, ask Myka for her stock, she breeds great fish.

Blennies and gobies are also reef safe and generally peaceful. Any plans for inverts?
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