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Old 02-27-2014, 04:34 AM
FishingGoalie FishingGoalie is offline
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Default Adding fish

So as most of you probably know im doing a tank upgrade and of course im getting more fish so i would like to know what you guys/gals think the order od them going into my tank should be.

Here is the list.

Yellow Tang
Blue Tang
Naso Tang
Blue Throated Trigger
Flame Angel
Anthias not sure how many probably 3-5
Copperband Butterfly
Lawnmower Blennie
Royal Gramma
Leopard Wrasse

I also really would like a pair of black and white clowns. Could i add them at the same time as my clowns i already have and have them be fine? or would they still get mad t each other.

And also the fish being transferred

2 Clownfish
3 Blue Green Reef Chromis
1 Purple Firefish
Target Mandarin
2 Candy Hogfish

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Old 02-27-2014, 03:20 PM
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list is so big! i would start with the firefish mandarin chromis anthias royal grama and wrasse. i would add the tangs last all together. i dont know anything about the temperment of the angel or trigger.
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Old 02-27-2014, 03:40 PM
Azzkr Azzkr is offline
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How big is the tank that you are getting?
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Old 02-27-2014, 04:51 PM
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Agree with Pinkreef on the order.

As a heads up on the clowns - I added 2 black & whites to my 180 that already had 2 clarkii's. The female clarkii killed the female b&w. The male is ok though but she still chases him whenever he gets close to her nem.

My blue tang goes after my blue throat trigger, even though the blue tang was added after the trigger. This is the second blue tang I've had and its behaviour is the same as the first. If I could catch him, he'd be gone from the tank.

I have a flameback angel and other than being a weirdo (swims laps around the powerheads and GSP that has grown on the back of the tank), is absolutely fine.

That is a big fish list with some aggressive fish. I'm not sure how the copperband butterfly will handle some of the aggressiveness and whether its a good fit.
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Old 02-27-2014, 05:05 PM
riceboy riceboy is offline
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dont get a mandarin yet they only eat pods unless you can train it to eat mysis like i did other than that it will starve
riceboys 82.7 gallon sps dominant tank
-concept built 3'x2'x22" full starfire tank with starfire 1 piece eurobrace and built in wave box, 1 jebao wp25, 4 mp10wes, ati led Hybrid 8 bulb fixture, csc 250 skimmer, Magdrive 18 return pump, apex lite, custom sump from concepts, biopellet reactor and carbon and gfo,bubble magnus doser and jbj ato, custom acrylic frag tank with 6 bulb t5
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Old 02-27-2014, 06:45 PM
FishingGoalie FishingGoalie is offline
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The tank is 150 gallons with a 60 gallon sump i am keeping my mandarin in my old tank until pod population is high in my new tank. I have always been unsure about the copperband butterfly but my mom REALLY likes them and the blue throat trigger isnt a fish that i have to have its only a fish i think is cool. And also do you think if i added the clowns all at the same time and if they were roughly the same size would they be fine?
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