Bangaii babies!
Was looking in my corner overflow from outside the tank and seen something moving. Took a closer look and found a small Bangaii baby around six mm long. Was looking around the tank and at the back corner where I made an egg crate box for my mandarin feeder there were at least three more that I could see. I knew my male was holding and was at the point where we could see a little tail poking out once and a while so we made up some baby brine shrimp a few days ago. Squirted some into the bottom of the overflow and could see the baby lunging after them. Turned off the pumps and squirted some more into the egg crate box for the others and could see them jerking all over. Guess we will see if they make it. Don't really have any predatory fish. Have no idea how to get the guy out of the bottom of the corner overflow but it is very safe for him there right now. Thought it was pretty cool. First time for us.