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Old 12-31-2014, 05:49 AM
Ranchu50 Ranchu50 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Coquitlam
Posts: 31
Ranchu50 is on a distinguished road
Default Ranchu's RSM 250 - 65 gallon

December 30, 2014
Not sure if anyone would actually read this, but i figure I'll start a tank journal.

I've been in the aquarium hobby since I was a kid, when my dad had a small fish tank for me and my sisters.

We started with red ear slider turtles. They were really neat to have as a kid. but i remember they were too much work for my dad.

Then i remember vaguely having small fish tanks with community fish. We had goldfish from night markets, and then of course the Betta fish.

At one point, we had the fish tank in the backyard after he shut down the tank. My friends and i went to the local swamp in Coquitlam where the Town Centre stadium is today and caught minnows and tadpoles. Of course none of them survived.

When i started working, I went into the classifieds section in about 1998 and i bought myself a 33 gallon tank, Petcetera brand for a steal. i raised all sorts of freshwater fish, including Angels, Plecos, Red tail sharks etc.

After I moved out and got my own home, I left the fish tank with my dad. It is still up and running today, over 15 years later.

In 2006 I got the itch to start an aquarium again. This time around, I fell in love with the Ranchu goldfish. The way it waddles as it swims with no top fin, still entertains me today. These guys had personality and I felt were quite the characters. i guess this is where I made up the Forum name "Ranchu"

After having kids, life got busy and my Lil Ranchus died after about 5 years.

i shut down my tank, and moved homes again.

This is when a friend of mine, Jus68 talked me back into the hobby, but this time around, into Reef tanks. Jus68 talked on and on about how non complicated reef tanks can be. it boggled my mind and felt like a lot of information at first.
But eventually, I cracked and I went out, and found a good deal on an Oceanic Biocube29 in the fall of 2012.

To be continued .....
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