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Old 02-04-2013, 09:17 PM
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Default Advice on debit/credit terminal

hello all
just wondering to my customers, should I get a debit/credit machine?
it cost approximatley minimally 60.00 per month and I just wanted to see the input to see if the cost is worth it?
is it inconvenient only to take only cash?
please let me know what you think
thanks in advance
Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP
Old 02-04-2013, 09:23 PM
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As a customer, I prefer cash as it limits how much I can spend at the store I am at. If my intention is to spend 100 and I only have cash and that's all you accept, that is all I will spend.

As a business owner, debit/credit are great as now the customer is not limited by cash in their pocket. They can get into a whole lot of trouble visiting your store and seeing those corals or fish they just have to have.
So many ideas, so little money!
Old 02-04-2013, 09:24 PM
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Let people access your computer and do EMT s
Old 02-04-2013, 10:33 PM
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I prefer debit and rarely carry cash. But that won't stop or dissuade me from shopping at cash only vendors. :P
Old 02-04-2013, 10:38 PM
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Originally Posted by howdy20012002 View Post
hello all
just wondering to my customers, should I get a debit/credit machine?
it cost approximatley minimally 60.00 per month and I just wanted to see the input to see if the cost is worth it?
is it inconvenient only to take only cash?
please let me know what you think
thanks in advance
I think it's cheaper to go the ipad ninja way, but I'm not 100% sure.
Old 02-04-2013, 10:41 PM
mseepman mseepman is offline
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I would look into this. It is available in Canada and was what almost everyone at MACNA was using at their booths for sales. It worked like a hot damn!

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Old 02-04-2013, 10:44 PM
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I use square. You can get it from future shop. Most transactions are cash but for the odd one its ok.
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Old 02-05-2013, 12:30 AM
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It's too bad it doesn't use debit tho at least that's how I read it I could be wrong
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Old 02-05-2013, 02:08 AM
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I would prefer to pay by cash since it helps to keep your cost down which you can it pass back on to your customers.
Old 02-05-2013, 02:19 AM
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CASH is KING................but the square up would be handy for those who don't like to carry cash any more & would rather use there CC.
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