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Old 11-19-2012, 02:52 PM
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mandyplo mandyplo is offline
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Thunder Bay, Ontario
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Default Do your fish wedge themselves so far in your rock-work they actually get STUCK?

Have you ever had your fish get so completely stuck in your rocks you've had to help them out ??!?

Over a week ago one of my dispar anthias (I only have 2) went missing. At first I thought, oh he's just hiding in the rocks, they always do this, nothing to worry about. He'll come out when I feed them next I'm sure.

Well after about 4 days of no sign of him, I was completely convinced he had jumped out of the tiny hole in my mesh top where my heater sits, and that one of our cats or the dog ate him when he was flopping on the floor (we never found any remains).

After a week has gone by since the anthias went missing, my dad noticed our other anthias that wasn't missing and the blue chromis (the 3 were best buds) wedged up in a hole in the rocks together. When he put some food in the water, the anthias and chromis came out, but then he noticed a third set of eyes way back in that same hole! The second anthias that has been missing for a WEEK was stuck in the rocks, alive! So he lifted up the rock-work out of the water, and the anthias just slid right out of the hole and plopped back in the water.

It's been about 2 days since we rescued him, and he has been huddled in a corner of the tank, resting on the bottom, sitting up right, just swimming enough so that he isn't falling over on his side. We have not seen him eat despite the very frequent feedings since we found him.

Do you guys think he'll be alright? I can't believe hes still alive! I'm assuming he's just stressed out from the situation still, he was probably struggling a lot trying to get himself out of that hole in the rocks. The fact that he still looks like he's doing alright, constantly moving his fins to keep himself upright, not breathing fast or heavy or coughing, makes me think he should be o-kay. I hope so anyways.

Has this ever happened to anyone else? I'm curious
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stuck fish rocks

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