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Old 08-07-2012, 01:02 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Default experiences with red people eater palys??

Well someones gonna have to use this new sub forumn so let me be the first.

I'm looking for info from those who have the rpe palys and what do you do to keep it alive. I lose mine in everytank I've had, tried feeding, flow and light. I have se ideas about what makes it si picky but anyonehave some suggestions on keeping it healthy long term?

Ill add more details once I'm to my laptop nut right now looking for those that have had them longterm, grow and not melt or stay closed most of the time.
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Old 08-08-2012, 06:09 AM
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I have all types of pe's but I don't do anything special for them compared to any other zoa/paly in the tank. I dose vitamin c and seems to do wonders for their color and health but that the only special thing I do for them other than a good dip before going in the tank and monitoring for any aptasia on their base. I had a frag of rpe get buried by my pistol shrimp for months and after transfering tanks, I found it behind the rocks still alive! I think everyone has something that never does good in their tank, that may be your kryptonite. Mine happens to be plates, all mine died within a few weeks of each other while everything else in the tank is flourishing.

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