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Old 04-03-2012, 10:00 PM
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bauder1986 bauder1986 is offline
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Default Josh's 60G True Cube

Alright I am goning to jump the gun here and start a tank build thread before I have the tank.

The tank I am buying off of a fellow Canreefer (therealshark) is a 24x24x24 sumpless marineland cube equaling a 59.899 gallons (let's call it 60G from now on). The tank happens to come with a aqua euro skimmer capable of 100G tanks. A 250Watt MH with a 14K bulb. and some other goodies.

The idea here is to run with the tank the skimmer and phase everything else out with new stuff. Heres the list:

Light AI SOL White with hanging bracket and AI controller
Fans 1 MP20 ES with wireless controller
Extra Filter Simple hang on back for carbon and detrius catch.
Sensors Temp, PH

Pretty basic setup.

I know some of you may comment on the lack of fans, so I will answer those questions before they are brought up. This tank is going to be a LPS/Zoa/Paly/Softy tank only. I only require one spot to be high flow with the flow gradually getting weaker the further from the fan you get. Allowing me a vast selection of flow strengths to choose from. And there will be approx. 500 GPH flow at the top caused from the skimmer and the over the top filter.

I want to go with a coarse substrate. Crushed coral or the current substrate I have in my 30G. I like having a heavy substrate because it doesn't get blown around easily and the way I set it down is usually the way it stays.

Aquascape is gonna be exploratory for me, I have an idea what I want but like everyone else it will be decided once it's laid out. One thing for certain is that I want to take advantage of the height of the tank.

Anyways till I get some pictures for you folks I will leave it at that!
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