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Old 07-14-2011, 07:01 PM
az @aquavalley's Avatar
az @aquavalley az @aquavalley is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Canada East
Posts: 260
az @aquavalley is on a distinguished road
Default Reefbrite LED and Octopus Skimmers

good size order coming in 2-3 days, every size will be available including 5' and 6' strips, new XHO strips also, pricing adjusted, they will not last long.

PM12-B $131
PM12-W $131
PM12-50/50 $131
PM15-B $135
PM15-W $135
PM-15-50/50 $135
15" Blue XHO $175
PM24-B $195
PM24W $195
PM24-50/50 $195
24" Blue XHO $235
PM30-B $215
PM30-W $215
PM30-50/50 $215
30" Blue XHO $260
PM36-B $220
PM36-W $220
PM36-50/50 $220
36" Blue XHO $300
PM48-B $240
PM48-W $240
PM48-50/50 $240
48" Blue XHO $320
PM60-B $305
PM72-B $363
we also have mounting brackets!

free shipping on orders over $200.
you can buy them here-

Octopus skimmer ets order just came in;

octopus HOB BH1000
octopus HOB BH2000
super reef xp2000
super reef xp3000
needlewheel 110
needlewheel 150
internal cone ps1000
internal cone ps2000
internal cone ps3000
internal cone ps5000

skimmer/return/recirculating pumps
waterbluster pump 10000w
waterbluster pump 12500w
waterbluster pump 16000w
bubbleblaster pump HY1000s(best upgrade for any avg vertex/other skimmers)
bubbleblaster pump HY2000s(best upgrade for any avg vertex/other skimmers)
bubbleblaster pump HY3000s(best upgrade for any avg vertex/other skimmers)
bubbleblaster pump HY5000s(best upgrade for any avg vertex/other skimmers)

also came in
reeflus MH bulbs
coralvue MH bulbs
MOONVUE LED retro kits
MH retro kits
MH Pendant kits

thanks for looking.
Aqua Valley
1158 Ogilvie road, Ottawa
613 741 0665
Fall/Winter Store Hours;
Tue-Friday 12-7
Sat-Sun 11-5

accepting all major credit cards; Visa, MC, AMEX
also paypal, Email money transfer

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