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Old 04-15-2011, 11:35 PM
tony_3a tony_3a is offline
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Default Question About T5ho Tek Light.

Well I can not seem to find anything solid on this topic.

I am about to get new bulbs for my light, I think it has been about a year, Anyways the question I have is, I also want to replace the reflectors because they have a fair bit of stuff on them that looks like it is hurting the output, BUT i am considering getting the acrylic cover for the bulbs, so that evap wont hurt the reflectors again.

I guess what im wondering is, is there any major cons of using the acrylic cover, I have read some people saying that the bulbs get too hot therefor it negates any difference that it could of had.

Im just really up in the air, and any input would be good.

Also what do you think of my bulb combination, I like the pink look so Im thinking this will be good.

Gmann Pure actinic Or UVL super actinic. (what one is better?)
KZ Fiji Purple
Gmann AquaBlue+
UVL Aqua Sun
KZ Fiji Purple Or ATI blue +
Gmann Pure Actinic. Or UVL super actinic.
Might also change a couple for the ATI blue+ Seems like a lot of people are going to those.

Anything you would change????

Also where does everyone get their bulbs from? Im probably going to go with jl, they just dont carry ati.


Ps, Why do i see the same bulbs being called URI and UVL, I am a little confused here, Jl lists them as URI while, Grim Reaper calls them UVL, Or are they different bulbs??

Last edited by tony_3a; 04-16-2011 at 12:16 AM.
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Old 04-16-2011, 01:00 AM
cathyg_99 cathyg_99 is offline
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all i can add to this is i have a 4ft 6 bulb t5 with the acrylic cover on it, they do get warm and it does raise my tank by 1C but i also have it as low as possible, they are still cooler than the coralife ones i used to have
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Old 04-16-2011, 03:01 AM
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I find the lens sags with the heat but no problems otherwise.
My old tank journal
90G sps reef
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Old 04-16-2011, 02:48 PM
spawn spawn is offline
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You wouldn't have to change your reflectors again next year... oh wait that's a good thing. I like your bulb combo.

Last edited by spawn; 04-16-2011 at 02:48 PM. Reason: spell check
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Old 04-16-2011, 02:56 PM
RedCoralOnlineStore RedCoralOnlineStore is offline
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I love the Tek fixtures! Personally have never had a problem with heat while using the acrylic and it save the reflectors from salt corrosion! Good buy in my opinion.
We carry bulbs online as well, however do not stock ATI at this time.

Last edited by RedCoralOnlineStore; 04-16-2011 at 03:24 PM.
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Old 04-17-2011, 01:01 AM
tony_3a tony_3a is offline
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Thanks for all the input guys!!!

Only last question i would ask, would you guys suggest the Gmann actinic or the UVL, Im thinking UVL because according to Grim Reapers post on reefcenteral they have a lot more par than the Gmann???

Does the Acrylic Shield affect par at all???

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