O.C. Exclusive new Silicone Frag Glue!!
Available within one week is our new exclusive "OC-CoralSTICK" Silicone Frag Glue that kicks the crap out of all the other epoxies that we have tested.
This Frag Glue is in two parts and is molded together to form the putty, there is no residue and or milkiness when placed in the water as well it lacks the smell of the cheaper Frag Epoxies. The Glue takes about 1.5-2 minutes to fully harden and has a nice soft texture. Of course this glue is completely non toxic to human or Coral.
The OC-CoralSTICK glue will be $21.99 and the volume of the product is about 50% more that of the other two stick epoxies available.
Anyone that does a lot of fragging want to do a test and review for us? Half price for the first person that PM's us to be the Guinea Pig!