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Old 05-31-2010, 01:35 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
Join Date: May 2009
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Default Skimmer Upgrade Required?

I have been running an Aqua-C Remora on various tanks over the years and it has never produced much skim mate. I've had it on a 25g nano-reef for about two months now and I'm down to about a tablespoon of gunk a week. However I have no algae growing (except a light dusting on the glass every few days) and all corals seem to be happy and growing. I have 2 clowns, 1 coral beauty and a watchman goby for fish, plus a couple peppermint shrimp, hermit crabs and two mexican turbo snails for livestock and about 40lbs of live rock. Lots of soft coral and zoa, 1 med colony of torch coral & frogspawn, 1 large meat coral and a few sps frags. With this bioload should my skimmer be producing a lot more skim mate than it is? I also do weekly 10% water changes with DD H2O salt and have an Aquaclear 70 with carbon and a bag of Chemipure Elite in the chamber.
Any thoughts on a new HOB skimmer? The tank is sitting on the kitchen counter so a sump is not an option (according to my wife). A couple I was thinking of is the Deltec 300, Octopus BH1000 (cheapest), Super Reef Octopus LX1000 and the Warner Marine H1.

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