Additive accident, is it a problem?
I use Seachem Calcium, Alk, and Mag powders for my top ups. I bought the larger buckets and refill the smaller bottles as necessary.
The other day my Alk bottle (500ml) was down to about 1/4 full, so I topped it up from a bucket, and realized after that I refilled the Alk bottle from the Calcium Bucket! To make matters worse, I dumped the whole contents of the bottle back in the calcium bucket (there was only maybe 150 ml of Alk mixed in) and mixed it up. It just happened that the Calcium bottle needed to be refilled so it was topped off with the Calcium / Alk mixture.
So now the question, when I mix this calcium / alk mixture up in my top off water, it fizzes like alkaselser for a couple of seconds then mixes up really cloudy. Clouds up the tank too when added (for about 15 minutes - 1/2 hr). The question is, does this premixed mixture pose any kind of problem? I'm thinking chemical reaction problem.
Thanks in advance.