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Old 01-30-2010, 05:32 AM
outacontrol outacontrol is offline
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Default HELP, Sea Hare

I bought a Sea Hare from a fellow reefer today, brought it home and drip acclimated it for 2 hours and then put it in the tank. Soon after enter tank its "back" opened up and you could see a large white sack? about 20 to 30 minutes later the back closed up, its been a few hours now with lights off and the thing has not moved is this normal should I be concerned?
Help me, I am worried that in the morning I am going to have a dead Sea Hare and that it will poison my tank.

It is about the size of a pear. A good 4 inches long.
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Old 01-30-2010, 05:55 AM
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Originally Posted by outacontrol View Post
I bought a Sea Hare from a fellow reefer today, brought it home and drip acclimated it for 2 hours and then put it in the tank. Soon after enter tank its "back" opened up and you could see a large white sack? about 20 to 30 minutes later the back closed up, its been a few hours now with lights off and the thing has not moved is this normal should I be concerned?
Help me, I am worried that in the morning I am going to have a dead Sea Hare and that it will poison my tank.

It is about the size of a pear. A good 4 inches long.
I do not know about the white sack but it is normal for them to just stay in one place for a while. Do your water tests show normal readings. Salinity, PH etc.
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Old 01-30-2010, 06:01 AM
outacontrol outacontrol is offline
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I will go do some more testing, but I am sure everything is fine.

All the other livestock is doing good, just the new guy has me worried
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Old 01-30-2010, 06:05 AM
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sea hares are a close relitive to the nutisbriks and yes the back should open. if it is opening it's back it is because of 1 of 2 things it is happy or it is scared. It normaly takes 5 hrs to aclimate them so he may have been a bit tick off at you it will finish aclimatizing in the tank just will take longer. watch it because if it dies it will shrink to haf its size and then reliece a toxin in to the water. If it starts eating it is ok they are quite nice when they open there backs up fully.

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Old 01-30-2010, 06:11 AM
outacontrol outacontrol is offline
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so I really just need to watch for it to shrink, any other clues to watch for?

any suggestions for what to do overnight?
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Old 01-30-2010, 06:16 AM
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I would just let it be they will some times burry them selves a night. as long a he doesn't shrink and start smoking you are ok. they can be very anoiying at times moving to an area that they have already gone over insted of going over a new area just let it be and do it's own thing it will get there sooner or latter. If you start moving it around it will become stressed and could die. remember to pass it on with some instruction when it is finihed with your tank.

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Old 01-30-2010, 07:15 AM
Eb0la11 Eb0la11 is offline
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Its fine. Thats how they poop. He was probably already eating and the white stuff was his poop.

5 hours to acclimate? Im not sure where you heard of that, I drip acclimated mine for like 30 mins and it was fine. They do stay in one spot for long periods of time as well. Im not sure of the rhyme or reason of when they will do that though, but I would say mine was more active during the night time.
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Old 01-30-2010, 01:30 PM
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I would not recommend acclimating anything over 1 hour. Temps get colder as the time gets longer.

Sea hares take about 30-45 on average without problems with us, and that is after they spent 2 days in a bag from overseas.

Give the sea hare till morning, if he doesn't move then give him a light poke. He should be soft if alive or dormant, and be rubbery if dead.

They are hard to keep at the best of times.

Reason for the seahare? I'm guessing hair algae? Try some mexican turbo snails.


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Old 01-30-2010, 03:23 PM
outacontrol outacontrol is offline
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I was doing the drip acclimating with a container floating in the tank so the temperature was not an issue. So I checked on him this morning, and he stil had not moved at all, and 2 of my scavenger snails had latched on to his head. So I pulled them off and put him in a floating container for a little more observation, but I am pretty sure it is game over for him.
Yeah the Sea Hare was for the hair algae, I guess some turbo snails will be my next plan of attack.
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Old 01-30-2010, 04:27 PM
pascalsimpson pascalsimpson is offline
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Default it was like that

should be all rightg
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