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Old 03-24-2010, 08:14 AM
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Default Troubles with Canon G7...

Why are my bright colors showing up with a neon glow in my photos? Also having difficulties focusing...related? I was doing pretty well with this camera for awhile, but the last few months I can't focus and get this stupid neon glow. Is it something wrong with the camera, or am I getting all fuddled up again?

~ Mindy

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Old 03-25-2010, 05:48 PM
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~ Mindy

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Old 03-25-2010, 08:49 PM
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I'd help but don't know much about your camera model. I used to have a good old Agfa 35mm film camera with interchangeable lenses. Now I just have a couple of digital point & shoots. Does your Canon have interchangeable lens capability? Might be your lens is gone or has some moisture in it. Try another lens if you have one available.
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Old 03-26-2010, 12:28 AM
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Thanks for your reply Mike. The G7 is a digital point and shoot.
~ Mindy

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Old 03-26-2010, 01:36 AM
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Some things you could try. For the color issue your set on auto white balance, I'd try a daylight setting it may help. Your Aperture is at f/6.3 and shutter speed 1/125. My bests shots with my olympus are f/4.1, 1/80 in macro setting with and the dial turned to image stabilizer. Your camera should have good image stabilizing technology so make sure it's on. Your ISO didn't come up for me but you can try to speed it up (image quality goes down) or use a tripod. I'm assuming this is a hand held shot, and that you shut off your water movement. If not that is needed. Hope this helps
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Old 03-26-2010, 01:49 AM
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I just found some info on your camera and the setting are more similar to my new camera ( Canon) so. Are you in Auto if so go to manual "M" or aperture priority "AV". I again use a tripod with remote switch to eliminate any vibration from pushing the button. ISO 400, f/8, 1/50. Just something to try hope it works for ya
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Old 03-26-2010, 02:10 AM
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Are you having this problem with other shots as well or just on the tank shots?
I don't think the pictures look that bad. Could be your monitor?
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Old 03-30-2010, 04:27 PM
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Thanks for your help everyone! I will try what has been suggested, and see if anything helps. I am doing the shots hand held. Some are taken top down using an acrylic viewer, and some are taken from the front glass. I don't usually turn the water movement off. My photos were working quite well like this in the past, but lately it seems I keep getting that awful neon glow. Image stabilizer is always on. ISO isn't showing up on the photo details for some reason, but I never have ISO over 400. Usually at 200 or 100 depending on how bright the light is on that particular coral. White balance is set on "Underwater", which has given me the best shots in the past. I will mess with the WB and see what happens. I don't have a manual white balance, but I do have a "set white balance" where I point to a spot, push the button, and it will set WB for that spot. I remember messing around with that in the past, but found the Underwater setting worked well, so I just stuck with that. I will mess around with Aperture Priority as well. When I'm in Aperture Priority I can't manually change the shutter speed, and vice versa. Would be nice if I could manually change both at the same time.

I will post some new pics soon.
~ Mindy

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Last edited by Myka; 03-30-2010 at 04:43 PM.
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Old 03-30-2010, 08:42 PM
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Something that was screwing me up was the angle the lens was facing the glass at.

For example if I was shooting through the glass at a 90 degree angle (camera was at the same height as the subject) then all my shots turned out great, however if I moved the camera above or below the subject so I was shooting at an angle through the glass I found I got blurry focusing.
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Old 04-01-2010, 12:46 AM
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Quote" When I'm in Aperture Priority I can't manually change the shutter speed, and vice versa. Would be nice if I could manually change both at the same time."

If your in full manual or "M" you should be able to adjust shutter speed and Aperture. I know I can.
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