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Old 03-28-2009, 11:42 AM
TVR TVR is offline
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Default Chiller question for calgarian

Hi All:
I am newbie at this. I've set up 260 Custom Reef (170G + 90G Sump&Refug)
After everything got done, I just found out that I missed count one important tjhing: Chiller.
My question here is to those in calgary, do we really need a chiller to help our reef system in summer?
Some advice on this would be great.

Thanks in advance.

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Old 03-28-2009, 02:20 PM
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While I don't live in Calgary, chiller use is the same most places. If you run T5 lighting, and the tank is in your basement, you probably don't need one. If, on the other hand, you run metal halides and your tank is on a top floor in a room that gets sun all day, then you probably will need some type of cooling. It comes down to what each tank requires, so monitor it over the next little while, if it's getting close to max temp during this time of year, start saving for a chiller.
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Old 03-28-2009, 03:35 PM
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As Brad said, it depends. There are many variables...location of tank, lighting, number of pumps, size of sump and total system, venting, livestock, etc. My system is in the basement but I still need a chiller.

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Old 03-28-2009, 03:47 PM
new but handy new but handy is offline
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I will probably need to do something This was taken in a room in the NE of my house it gets no direct sun. Time of pick 38 deg
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Old 03-28-2009, 04:09 PM
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I've got a 180g display in my sunny living room with 135g of sump in the basement, I run 3 250W MH (bulbs are 14" above water surface) with really effective ventilation.
I don't need a chiller.
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Old 03-28-2009, 04:52 PM
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My 190g with three 250w MH's is set up on my main floor in a room that gets some sunlight in the afternoon does not need a chiller. Before my house had AC the tank would get a little on the warm side some days but with AC in the house the temp stays stable. I think you should be ready to get a chiller if need be but I wouldn't spend the money on it just yet.

-Welcome to Canreef, sounds like quite a tank you have there

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Old 03-29-2009, 07:59 AM
TVR TVR is offline
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Thanks guys. Really help.
My reef is in the Main floor, 3 Mag9.5 submers'd for return. But problem is system is closed up - I mean I closed the tank with glass top to avoid dusting due to new developing still under going.
Last year (when I havent got the Reef setup yet) - My FW tank 90G was at a peak of 31 degree celcius at a time in summer. So I guess the reef would get abit hotter since the effect from the T5 and the 3 sump pumps.
Guess I'll need a chiller soon.
Now I need to do some research for this chiller problem - Since haven't enver try / knowing anything about it yet
Thaks guys for your infor.
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Old 03-29-2009, 03:10 PM
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Chillers are costly and another item that needs to be plumbed into the system. I make do with one of those small AC/Heater/De-Humidifier units on wheels when it gets too warm in the room the DT is in. My central air is not functional. For the price of a chiller, you can purchase one of these units which has way more cooling capacity and can be moved from room to room if desired. Not only will it keep your tank temperature in check, it might even keep your candles from going soft!

By all means look into it, but there are alternatives.
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Old 03-29-2009, 04:37 PM
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Good Idea Mike, thanks.
All I am worry about is this summer only - I meant for this year only, since I will install the Air-Conditioner for my whole house next year - The genterment estimated and quote for about 5-6k, so I figure it wont be really bad at all, since it also helped reduce dust and noice in summer by openning the windows like I 've been doing
But that's next year budget.
I think I'll use some fan blow to open top for this year, hope it will work for this year.
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Old 03-29-2009, 04:41 PM
JTaylor420 JTaylor420 is offline
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last summer i had a problem where my temp had raised a few degrees and it was so humid in my apartment it felt like a tropical jungle. to deal with the problem i used a dehumidifier to reduce any excess humidity (kept around 40%) and also used 2 fans 1 over sump and 1 to moved excess air around my apartment with the windows open it solved my problem and kept my tank at around 78-81 degrees.

maybe try this first if your only noticing your temperature is only slightly higher then what you want.
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