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Old 01-24-2009, 05:02 AM
Starry Starry is offline
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Default Angel with coco worm

Anyone know if these can be kept together? looking at getting either a coral beauty or a cherub, but dont wanna sacrifice my coco.

Also, do dwarf angels eat sponges? (have a pesky white sponge thats starting to annoy me)
180 custom starfire
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Old 01-24-2009, 07:16 AM
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I have a lot of hitchhiker feather dusters (dime to nickel sized) that my coral beauty doesn't touch, but I don't have cocoworms in particular.

I see him picking at the rock all day, he may or may not be eating sponge. Most of the sponges in my tank live under and between the rocks where they aren't reachable so I don't know if that means that he gets the reachable ones before they get big or they just don't grow in those areas *shrug*

Dunno if that helps but that's my experience!!
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Old 01-26-2009, 07:24 PM
Trigger Man Trigger Man is offline
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I've got a Flame and Scribbled Angel and they don't harm my coco worm or giant feather dusters. In the past I also had a Queen, Majestic, Emperor with my worms and had not problems (it was my zoas that took the damage).
RSM 250. Clownfish, Fox face, Blue tang, Yellow tang, Kole tang, Clown tang, Coral beauty angel, French Angel, splendid dottyback. CUC, softies, lps, sps.
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Old 01-26-2009, 07:57 PM
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reefy reefy is offline
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I have an Regal,Emperor and a bellus angels on my tank that has 2 coco 1 huge hawaii feather duster with no problem and yes all of them nip on my carrot sponge "who cares" hehe
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