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Old 12-15-2008, 07:07 PM
Aqua-Digital's Avatar
Aqua-Digital Aqua-Digital is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Ottawa
Posts: 3,272
Aqua-Digital is on a distinguished road
Exclamation Keeping clams? Amazing new product

For a long time now clams have been the bottom (literally) of the food chain when it comes to feeding your tanks, this often creates poor health in clams and also slow growth and pale colouration.

Well not anymore with the arrival of Fauna Marin Ultra Clam

Now this is not just any food - chuck it in and hope it does something. Ultra clam is a high ingredient food developed over many years to meet specifically the needs of a clam through target feeding.

When used regularly Ultra Clam will

Increase polyp extension dramatically.
Provide sustained and long term health benefits
Increase growth rates visually
enhance the natural colouration visibly.

Mixed with Ultra MinS and target fed you will see amazing results in less than two weeks if used as directed.

Special food for filter feeders, like Tridacna clams, Lima sp. and other species. Increases growth, coloration and disease resistance. Also ideal for other filter feeders in combination with UltraMin S and UltraMin F

Further details here for how to use


Ingredients: Microalgae, nanoplankton different species, clay minerals, zeolites, fisch oil, solanacaea powder, polymers, organic acids, trace elements, amino acids: Lysine, Alanine, Glycine, Taurine, Thronine and many others.

Vit.A 97.870 I.E.
Vit.D 3 2.415 I.E.
Vit.E 1364 mg (as alpha-Tocopherolacetate)
Vit.C 868 mg
Vit.K 330 mg
Vit.B 120 mg
Vit.B 228 mg
Vit.B 615 mg
Vit.B 1250 mcg
Folic acid 2,5 mg
Ca-D-Pantothenate 50 mg
Biotine 25 mcg
Nicotinic acid 150 mg
Choline Chlorid 250 mg
Antioxidants: BHT, BHA, Propylegallate

So next time you feed your clams, think twice what you are feeding them.

As a launch promotion the very next person to purchase a clam from Ocean Aquatics they will be supplied by us directly a bottle of Ultra Clam and Min-S. Just print this off and take to the store or mention this in your purchase.

Only one kit available as promo so good luck and we look forward to your review!

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