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Old 11-12-2008, 03:10 AM
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Default Roratonga, Cook Islands

Has anyone been? We are trying to decide on a January Beach holiday. It is either Roratonga or Maui. Only drawback for Roratonga (so far) is flight time.
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Old 11-12-2008, 03:24 AM
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I would imagine the comparison to be a bit of an apples-vs-oranges thing ... although both are tropical islands Would think Maui is a lot cheaper, although I guess with the $USD thing maybe not so. It's definitely faster (usually direct flights available). Roratonga is further south so the reef diversity will be greater. Best description I ever heard that describes Pacific reefs is this: Papua New Guinea is "ground zero" with the largest biodiversity. As you get further away from ground zero that diversity falls off. Hawaii has nice reefs but is quite a way's north and the waters are cooler in comparison. As a result, only hardier corals such as Pocillipora's and smaller - no tridacnid clams, no anemones. Fantastic fish load though.

I doubt you'd regret either choice but I think that if Roratonga is seriously on the map of possibilities I'd just say go for it and go there. If it isn't possible for some reason then consider Hawaii. It's not like you'll hate it there.
-- Tony
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Old 11-12-2008, 02:52 PM
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Have you thought about cuba? I just booked a week for 2 in holguin at a 4 star all inclusive for $2600, there's tons of diving there.
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Old 11-12-2008, 10:54 PM
macky macky is offline
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I have been to both Roratonga and Maui. The Cook Islands are far and less populated. Both are nice. I was actually pleasantly surprised at how laid back and quiet Maui is. To go to the Cooks you will spend a lot more money and will also spend a lot more time in an airplane. Good luck making a decision.
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Old 11-12-2008, 11:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
I would imagine the comparison to be a bit of an apples-vs-oranges thing ... although both are tropical islands Would think Maui is a lot cheaper, although I guess with the $USD thing maybe not so. It's definitely faster (usually direct flights available). Roratonga is further south so the reef diversity will be greater. Best description I ever heard that describes Pacific reefs is this: Papua New Guinea is "ground zero" with the largest biodiversity. As you get further away from ground zero that diversity falls off. Hawaii has nice reefs but is quite a way's north and the waters are cooler in comparison. As a result, only hardier corals such as Pocillipora's and smaller - no tridacnid clams, no anemones. Fantastic fish load though.

I doubt you'd regret either choice but I think that if Roratonga is seriously on the map of possibilities I'd just say go for it and go there. If it isn't possible for some reason then consider Hawaii. It's not like you'll hate it there.
The ocean's largest biodiversity is located here.
I spent 2 months diving in the Phillippines and it was by far the best diving I have ever experienced. My experience includes the Phillippines, Australia, Panama, Hawaii, Bahamas, the Cook Islands and Canada, eh.
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Old 11-12-2008, 11:53 PM
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Originally Posted by macky View Post
The ocean's largest biodiversity is located here.
I spent 2 months diving in the Phillippines and it was by far the best diving I have ever experienced. My experience includes the Phillippines, Australia, Panama, Hawaii, Bahamas, the Cook Islands and Canada, eh.
Though not either place your asking about, having only snorkeled in the Philippines all I can say was it's amazing. Also found once there, rather cheap to stay.
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Old 11-13-2008, 01:52 AM
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Originally Posted by macky View Post
The ocean's largest biodiversity is located here.
Cool site, thanks. In the defense of my earlier analogy though, PNG is almost perfect centre of said triangle.

Anyhow I would love to one day see all of those places. Do you have any pictures of your dives you could post? Would love to see 'em..
-- Tony
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Old 11-13-2008, 02:07 AM
RuGlu6 RuGlu6 is offline
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Originally Posted by workn2hard2day View Post
Has anyone been? We are trying to decide on a January Beach holiday. It is either Roratonga or Maui. Only drawback for Roratonga (so far) is flight time.
We have been there few years back (2005).
Flight time is indeed long !
Reef was OK some GHA, lots of triggers, night snorrkling is very cool.
The only draw back is its not "All Inclusive" so Cuba is better IMO, better corals colors more fish, all inclusive.
In Roratonga I remeber paying $70 US for small dinner for 2 with 2 glasses of vine, hotels charge $5 for a small sandwich, $2 for a small bottle of water so this adds up.
Overall is ok for a change but i doubt i will go back there.

Last edited by RuGlu6; 11-13-2008 at 02:11 AM.
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Old 11-13-2008, 02:09 AM
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Palau was amazing, we would go back in a flash even with the long flight. Mandarin fish, giant clams, Jellyfish Lake, WWII wrecks.... it must be pretty close to the triangle
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Old 11-13-2008, 03:52 AM
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I went to Roratonga back in 1994 and the snorkeling was very good and the scuba diving was fantastic. There was an abundance and wide variety of interesting corals and marine life there. There was even an option to dive with hammer head sharks if you want as well, I opted out... The Cooks were very quiet back then, but still had everything you needed/wanted. We went to Australia after the Cook Islands and diving on the Great Barrier Reef but it was a big disappointment in comparison.

A couple of years back I did some snorkeling in Kauai and Honolulu and it was pretty good for fish, but Rarotonga had way better coral. I have not been to Maui though so can’t comment on that.

I guess it all depends on the type of vacation you want...
Concept Custom 50gal 24x24x20, herbie overflow, Radion g2, 20 gal sump, Bubble Magus NAC 7, MP10 WES, Speedwave 1320 return.
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