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Old 01-20-2008, 02:21 AM
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Default Bangaii Breeding Journal

I figured some of you may be interested in a journal, as well I'd like to keep a record, and what better place?!

Here's ma and pa:

So on Jan 7th I stripped the male of the fry. He had been carrying them for approximately 25 days. I didn't have an egg tumbler, so I had to wait for them to hatch in his mouth before stripping him. When I caught him in the net, he spat them all out so I didn't even have to strip him. I transfered the babies into a 10g tank, and put them into one of those "net breeders". I've been hatching brine shrimp for them that I soak in Selcon before feeding.

Day 1:

There were 14 babies, but one got squished in the strip. It was obvious within the first couple days that there were two strong babies, and all the others were runts of some sort to differing degrees. The runts just layed around on the bottom of the net and jerked around. I culled four or five that looked hopeless. Four or five died on their own accord so far. I now have five. Two look good and strong, one looks ok, and two look poor and rest on the bottom of the net most of the time and can't swim very well. The strong ones are almost twice the size of the other three, are quick swimmers, and can keep themselves suspended in the water at all times. I should probably cull the three runts, but I'm waiting to see how they turn out. I keep the tank loaded with BBS so the babies can eat anytime they're hungry. Their bellies are always full when I look at them. I've started feeding FD Cyclopeeze, but it dirties the water much quicker...not sure what to do about that.

You can see the two strong babies and the one ok baby (the really blurry one):

I'd like to know why there are so many "runts" in this batch. There is a possibility that the parents are siblings...I wonder if that may be it. I'll test them out for another few batches and see how they turn out. Hopefully this next one the male is brooding will turn out better.

Once the male was stripped I fed them heavily twice a day for a week with Piscine brand frozen mysis shrimp soaked in 3-4 drops of Selcon and 1 drop of Garlic Extreme. After the first week the male had regained most of his weight, and I dropped to my usual once a day light feeding of mysis (still with Selcon and Garlic), occasionally feeding Formula One flake, but the Bangaii's don't eat the flake much. The male ate 20 minutes after spitting the fry, although he was awkward eating and sometimes ran into the food forgetting to open his mouth. LOL.

The female started fattening up with eggs only 3 days after stripping the male. This morning the male's mouth was full of eggs once more! I couldn't believe it was only 12 days after stripping the last batch!!! I'm going to make an egg tumbler asap, and strip him as soon as it's built. I'm hoping that will be tomorrow.

I have to do a waterchange on the tanks tomorrow as the 10g has 10ppm nitrates. I need to set that tank up better for the babies as well, so it's easier to access the filter media since the filter is on the back of the tank, and the tank is on the bottom part of a metal stand below a 55g. It just has an AquaClear 100 on it that just has a sponge in it. I'm going to add carbon tomorrow and a second sponge, so I can toss out a sponge a week to keep the nitrates down. I'm wondering if there's a way to clean out the sponges well enough so I can re-use them withouth them becoming nitrate factories...? Bleach them maybe?
~ Mindy

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Last edited by Myka; 09-02-2008 at 04:28 PM. Reason: Added more.
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Old 01-20-2008, 05:59 AM
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I'm interested. Please keep this thread going.
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Old 01-20-2008, 06:25 AM
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Real fascinating stuff. Keep it coming!

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Old 01-20-2008, 01:08 PM
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ya I remember when Doug ahd babies in his over flow. he raised them to
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Old 01-20-2008, 05:12 PM
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Could the babies have been runts because they were released from the mouth too early? A few years ago my bangaiis released their batch into the tank and the majority of them were swimming on their own.
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Old 01-20-2008, 05:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Chin_Lee View Post
Could the babies have been runts because they were released from the mouth too early? A few years ago my bangaiis released their batch into the tank and the majority of them were swimming on their own.
I'm not sure, but if that was the case they should be swimming fine by now since they have been out of the mouth for 13 days, but the runts still don't swim well.
~ Mindy

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Old 01-20-2008, 05:35 PM
fatpuffer fatpuffer is offline
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So decided to strip, eh! Good job! The male is perfectly fine and now more send 'em my way...J/K.


EDIT: Can you strip maybe a week later when they are stronger? I dont know how long the incubation period and fry stage is but maybe wait a little longer?

Last edited by fatpuffer; 01-20-2008 at 05:37 PM. Reason: Ask a question
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Old 01-20-2008, 05:42 PM
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I'm going to strip them as eggs this time. This is day 2 he's been holding eggs...I'm hoping I can find the pieces to make an egg tumbler today (didn't have much luck yesterday). If I get it up and going I'll strip him tonight.
~ Mindy

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Old 01-21-2008, 04:15 AM
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Ok, so I spent like $30-35 on stuff to make an egg tumbler. I had to buy a whole undergravel filter kit just for the uptakes. LOL. Waste of $24...or maybe not if it works! HAHA!

So then I stripped the male of the eggs (it's day three holding the eggs). I had to open his mouth this time as he didn't spit as soon as I netted him like he did when he had fry last time. I used a short piece of airline tubing cut at a 60° angle, grabbed onto him gently (keeping him submersed in the water) then I used the point of the tubing to gently pry is mouth open and kinda bob him in the water a bit. He spat them out when I opened his mouth.

I put the eggs into my egg tumbler and realised my egg tumbler sucked!! Oh no!!! I had the egg tumbler built like this:

The air would go up past the eggs, but the problem was that a large bubble would form between the air stone and the netting for awhile, then a big blast of bubbles would go up, then it would build, and big blast. Well this was blasting the crap outta the eggs! So I built a new tumbler that looks like this:

Now the air doesn't pass by the eggs at all. I have it turned down so that the eggs rest on the bottom but are kinda hovering down there. I hope it works! Here's the eggs:

~ Mindy

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Old 01-21-2008, 09:28 PM
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Oh ya, I figured I would note that those "Brine Shrimp" nets...don't work. The little BBS went right through it, and down my drain. Rrrrg...

How do you guys rinse your BBS before feeding?
~ Mindy

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