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Old 01-04-2008, 08:42 AM
WuHT WuHT is offline
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Default Regulation on Fish

Im' having a hard time looking up the government i'll ask for links or help here :

I just came back from Hong Kong, and saw some pretty insane fish for crazy prices (no surprise to some here).

Just wondering.. what forms or procedures i'd have to follow if i were to bring a "pet" back on my trip back to canada via airplane.

Likely won't happen, but i'm still curious
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Old 01-05-2008, 01:43 AM
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I don't know what kind of permits you would need for fish but I would look it up on the agriculture canada website, it's a very confusing site, maybe you could phone SERVICE CANADA, + make sure your airline will accept live animals on board (air canada won't) ... I know it is a HUGE ordeal to get a dog or cat allowed into canada from a country such as China (because of their rabies issues) but fish don't carry rabies...but some species may be on CITES lists and thus not permitted into Canada...PLUS shipping costs are going to be rediculous long are the flights? I would hope for no delays....actually, thinking of it, you'll probably end up paying WAY more + losing your fish in the process. i'm sorry to be so discouraging but I think that's the reality of it.

Last edited by Keri; 01-05-2008 at 01:46 AM.
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Old 01-05-2008, 02:37 AM
dsaundry dsaundry is offline
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Default import

The first thing you have to do is contact Cites with a list of the fish you want to import. So long as they are not endangered you will have crossed that hurdle. Then you may or may not have to contact dept of fisheries. If you are importing fish that can survive in cold water there may be restrictions there as well. Then you are going to have to arrange shipping.. very expensive. I assume this is for personal use, if its for business there are more requirements as well. Factor all of this into your costs and see how cheap it really is...Worth it?? Maybe yes , maybe no..Hope it works for you..Keep us posted
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Old 01-05-2008, 03:46 AM
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CITES has a website with all the species restricted. The SHIPPER must provide the necessary documention not YOU if your fish is on the CITES list. If you bought it from the pet store you might have to cough up the CITES stuff.
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Old 01-05-2008, 04:50 AM
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I don't think it'll be worth the hassle in the end nowadays especially considering you can't bring any liquids on your carry on anymore. Aside from all the bureaucratic and legal stuff, the logistics of getting your fish back to your tank alive are daunting.

Chin Lee pretty much blew his entire vacation in Hawaii making arrangements to ship some fish back to Canada. Even when he got home he still had to run around like a madman dealing with customs, storage facilities etc etc.
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