For all the local reefers who didn't come, you missed out. It was a fun night for everyone who showed up & we all got some nice door prizes & bought some corals/fish on sale. Well worth the drive out there, even though I had a ton of work to do, my wife was home suffering from "morning sickness"

, and I had to later go to a Chinese banquet 60th birthday dinner for my aunt. Sorry Irene

but had to go support Janet & OA tonight. To make it up to her, I bought her some Chinese takeout for her dinner (which later went down the porcelain fishbowl anyways).
All the new corals & anemones are safely in their tanks & looking happy. Everything has already opened up, within an hour of being placed or glued to their spot. Woohoo.
Tanks getting full, that's for sure.
Again, thanks Janet for helping me spend more money on this addiction. Oh well, still 8 more months or so to save up for the baby