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Old 10-02-2007, 08:24 PM
Jenndarlin Jenndarlin is offline
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Question I'm Leaking!!!!!!

I came home last night to find a slow leak in my tank. I am still assertaining if it is salvagable or not but I'm starting to look at options.

I'm 9 months into the hobby and have never had to EMPTY my tank and I'm quite worried about it. I was looking at upgrading to a 90 in the spring but maybe spring's coming early for me.

What are the things I need to think about and consider when moving things out?? acclimitization, temperature, water quality etc???

I'm going to calm down and make a list of the thing i need to go buy @ home depot. I'm going to get a fish pond and keep them in there for now but I want to have the new tank (if needed) up by Saturday.....wishful thinking?? I hope not!!!!


100 Gal Reef. Home to my Royal Gramma, Purple Tang, Pair of O. Clownfish, Canary Wrasse, Blue Devil Damsel, Flame Angel, Lunar Wrasse, Copperbanded Butterfly,Flame Lobster, Cleaner Shrimp, Various Snails, Softies,& LPS.
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Old 10-02-2007, 08:33 PM
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You need heat and water movement for the fish, you need light for the coral, although if it's a short enough period, they should be ok without, but I wouldn't go any more than 3 or 4 days at the most.
You should be ok keeping your fish and rock in a couple of those big rubbermaid containers.

The big concern for me would be sand, are you planning on moving any of the existing sand, how deep is the sand now, and do you plan on having sand in the new tank.


Not sure how far whiterock is from vancouver, but here's a good deal on a 90 in van.

Last edited by DanG; 10-02-2007 at 08:35 PM.
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Old 10-02-2007, 08:38 PM
Van-rookie Van-rookie is offline
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You should contact Greenspottetpuffer, maybe he still have the tank. At least its still in his place when I dropped by last night.

white rsm 250
8 G biocube planted tank
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Old 10-02-2007, 08:45 PM
Jenndarlin Jenndarlin is offline
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Default Re: I'm Leaking

I was just talking with my friend from OA about the sand. She suggested that I ditch the Sand and get New Sand. I definately wanted to keep the sand as I have alot of snails and stars & "sand dwelling" creatures and I like the look of Sand.

It is currently about 2-3 inches deep in the whole tank but I had a Zino problem a few weeks ago so someone suggested i ditch it then but I used a strainer instead and tried to get as much of it as I could. I can move my light and prop it on top of the "fish pond" for the corals. Pumps arn't a problem as I have 4 maxi jet 1200's. I'll move the thermometer over. I've never had to catch any of my fish though?? Should I remove the rocks 1st so there is less hiding spaces. I don't want to traumatize them any more than necessary.

Do u think I should ditch the sand and get new. i thought that the sand was an important part of the biological filtration??


100 Gal Reef. Home to my Royal Gramma, Purple Tang, Pair of O. Clownfish, Canary Wrasse, Blue Devil Damsel, Flame Angel, Lunar Wrasse, Copperbanded Butterfly,Flame Lobster, Cleaner Shrimp, Various Snails, Softies,& LPS.
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Old 10-02-2007, 08:52 PM
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I would remove the sand for now. I have moved tanks and usually given the sand a good "wash" before using it again. You can strain as much out of it as possible first but moving a live sandbed can be tricky.

It is a good part of your biological filtration but you may have to start it over. If you have enough LR and a good skimmer, plus you are not too overstocked, then your fish should be fine in the new tank with the "washed" sand. You will just have to watch for spikes in ammonia and nitrite. But I have never had them in this kind of situation (moving tanks).
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Old 10-02-2007, 08:53 PM
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As for catching your fish, I would remove most of the LR and catch them. Just keep as many lights off as possible and try to do it as fast as possible. They should be fine. They will feel much more comfortable in the dark though.
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Old 10-02-2007, 11:13 PM
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I have had 2 tanks leak on me (both 72G bow fronts)
I was able to keep 100% alive in rubbermaid contaners for 2 weeks.
this is what i did
90% of LR in 1 bucket with airstone power head and heater
all fish with a few pieces of LR in another with power head air stone and heater
All coral in another with power head heater and airstone. Plus a CF lighting over the bucket.

I would not reuse your sand. When I moved I kept the sand for my 75 and rinsed it over and over again. i wiped out my entire tank.
In my 40G I tosed the sand and had 100% servival.

I would buy new sand when you restart

My old Tank Shut down Jan 2011
New 220G build about to start
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Old 10-02-2007, 11:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Jason McK View Post
I have had 2 tanks leak on me (both 72G bow fronts)
I was able to keep 100% alive in rubbermaid contaners for 2 weeks.
this is what i did
90% of LR in 1 bucket with airstone power head and heater
all fish with a few pieces of LR in another with power head air stone and heater
All coral in another with power head heater and airstone. Plus a CF lighting over the bucket.

I would not reuse your sand. When I moved I kept the sand for my 75 and rinsed it over and over again. i wiped out my entire tank.
In my 40G I tosed the sand and had 100% servival.

I would buy new sand when you restart


What was it about the sand that you think wiped out your tank? I have done it about half a dozen or so times in the 6 years I have had saltwater tanks and never had a problem...I guess I will stop doing that now though!
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Old 10-03-2007, 12:34 AM
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I believe it was due to high Nitrite/nitrate levels that remained in the sand.

My old Tank Shut down Jan 2011
New 220G build about to start
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Old 10-04-2007, 07:19 PM
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I've reused the sand we had from our 65g to our 120g and when we upgraded our 15g to a 30g with no problems. That being said everything was moved over on the same day not over a few days to a week. Does that make the difference? Just curious.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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