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Old 01-15-2007, 09:54 PM
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kwirky kwirky is offline
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kwirky is on a distinguished road
Default power out on tank for 12 hours. 3 days later it seems ok

I was out of the house for a large portion of the day on friday, and came home to discover somone accidentally unplugged the extension cord leading to my fish tanks, and they were without power for 12 hours. nobody in the house even considered to call me or nothing.

When I got home and discovered them that way, I was only panicking about the lack of water flow, until I realized the water was at a cold 74F (I usually run at 82F)

I took all the heaters out of the sump and put them directly into the tank, put an extra 150W of heating in there, and turned on the lights on full without the fan running. I was panicking lol. I got the heat back up to 82F in about 1.5-2 hours. The xenia began pulsating almost right after the pumps were turned back on, and the toadstools were fully extended in the cold water for some reason haha.

It's 3 days later now, and it seems as though nothing much has happened. I have a slight algae bloom on the sides of my glass, I'm assuming from sponges dieing in the cold water or something, but the inverts and fish seem to be ok otherwise. We'll see. *crossing fingers still*

I've tried calling in an electrician whenever I've had the money to put a permanent jack and a separate breaker for the tank, but it's allways like a 2 month wait. I'm too impatient for that

RadioShack was clearing out a 550VA Ups for $45, and now I'm completely kicking myself I didn't get it : \
Everything I put in my tank is fully dependant on me.
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