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Old 01-04-2007, 09:32 PM
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Default Need Help - in Florida

This has probably been asked already but here it goes, I'm in Florida & found a place with really really really good prices on Fish, for example, $30 bucks purple tang, $35 - Red Sea Golden Butterfly, and many more.

Would I be able to carry a couple on the plane and keep a small box between my legs and not have any problems with customs or is this just wishfull thinking.

Sorry, but I have a limited connection here & can't do the research myself.
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Old 01-04-2007, 09:43 PM
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Having never tried this ...

So long as the fish aren't on CITES (and they probably aren't) I don't think there's any legal issues regarding the importation of fish.

However, having said that, I wonder how easy it is to get past security with a bunch of fish in bags of water these days. And I know that some airlines, even before those restrictions came in, didn't allow things like saltwater onto their airplanes outside of the cargo area, for fear of things like corrosion and so on.

Soooo ... all told it might be a good deal but it might end up being a total headache too.

I know how you feel, usually when I do LFS visits down in the U.S., if it's not the prices, then it's the selection. Although most of the time, I've found that "an LFS is an LFS", but every now and then I'd stumble across an absolute gem of something, that I'd never be able to find up here, and then I find myself scheming of ways to buy it and bring it back. In the end, I've only ever bought drygoods because I didn't want to find out the hard way that the livestock I'd buy wouldn't make it across because of some legal nuance I didn't take into account.

Good luck with your decision!
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Old 01-04-2007, 09:43 PM
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Check here if possible. It seems to indicate that fish (with the exception of puffer fish and Chinese Mitten Crab (?!) are permissible.

The Canadian Customs website states that: "Meat and dairy products, nuts, plants, fruits and live animals, if allowed into Canada, may require permits issued in Canada in advance, and/or certificates from the country of origin."

Also, check with the airline ahead of time to make sure they allow it.

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Old 01-04-2007, 10:39 PM
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Thanks Guys, I'll call the airline this week see what they say, I'll phone around before I decide, the fairy wrasses were stunning, scotts, mystery & all kinds of anthias, maybe I'll just stay.
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Old 01-04-2007, 11:37 PM
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I would be more concerned about the lack of knowledge of some of the people you may encounter on your trip home. It's an odd thing to be bringing across the boarder so while it's being investageted you may loss them.

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Old 01-04-2007, 11:47 PM
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Westjet always says no to bringing fish with carry-on, but I did bring things back on Air Canada once from Vancouver. This was before the restrictions on liquids and gels that were put in place back in September. Unfortunately I'd say if it were me I wouldn't risk it.

Has anybody looked into ordering from the US and having it shipped? I'm guessing a lot of shops wouldn't bother with shipping here, and the delays at customs might be too long, but it would be nice if we could access what our friends to the south can get their hands on.
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Old 01-05-2007, 03:21 AM
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See if they will ship it Bellingham, then go down and drive it across the border. They won't give you a hard time about a fish as long as you have a receipt and pay your taxes.
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Old 01-05-2007, 01:23 PM
bubblepuffer bubblepuffer is offline
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I think travel within Canada if you got the fish in Canada will be fine, as the fish is already inspected and imported into the country but not live stock from outside the country.. I ask supplier before that is why so expensive to get fish import to Canada by yourself.. You need permit and inspection for live stock to make sure it's disease free as well as environment issue. Once you got your paper done, then your little pet will get what I call a Passport to cross the border and say Hi to his/her .
Canadian friends.. lot of process, $$$ and not worth it.

- Some fish supplier or fish store will do it for you for a fees.. as it's easier for them to get the paper work done then individual..

Last edited by bubblepuffer; 01-05-2007 at 01:25 PM. Reason: Add more info
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