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Old 11-17-2006, 09:48 PM
Rippin Rippin is offline
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Default Newbie question about new tank & Prizm Pro skimmer

Hi all,

So I just finished setting up all of the hardware on a 50g reef tank. I installed the Prizm Pro HOB protein skimmer as per the instructions. Should I expect any skimmate on clean water? (nothing is in the tank as yet).

And yes, I've read the varying reviews for the Prizm Pro, but I got it cheap used, so no real harm if it doesn't work out.

One thing about this type of HOB skimmer is that it is quite loud (for my tastes). I guess it's because the pump is on the outside of the tank??
The positive thing about the Prizm Pro is that there is very little hardware inside of the tank, making it less intrusive.

Thanks in advance.
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Old 11-18-2006, 12:15 AM
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One thing to watch for with the prism pro is flooding. I flooded my floor a few times and nearly electrocuted myself once .

I found it best to have it produce a dry skimmate, less chance for it to go nuts and run over. When it was running properly it was a great skimmer

300g tank
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Old 11-18-2006, 05:02 AM
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No you shouldnt really get anything out of the skimmer until you add something.
Ill second the beware of overflows with the prism.
Can't say I've owned one, But I've heard a few overflow stories.
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Old 11-18-2006, 05:36 AM
LostMind LostMind is offline
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marie, how did you flood it? With the lid on, the water will fall back into the neck of the skimmer before hitting the floor?

My friend has had one on his tank for 4 months and while it's a terrible skimmer, it's never flooded... should he be worried?
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Old 11-18-2006, 06:04 AM
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The water came right out the top. It usually happened right after I cleaned it which I had to do every 2-3 weeks. If I didn't dial it right down it could dump out a couple of gallons of water within less than an hour and it would wait a few hours after I started it up again to do this . It took about a week for me to bring it back to full speed and then I would have a week of awesome skimming then it would then slowly skim less and less until the end of the 3rd week and I would have to clean it and start all over again.

300g tank
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Old 11-18-2006, 09:29 AM
Rippin Rippin is offline
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Thanks for the replies so far, everyone.

I think the skimmer is producing dry foam, but it's not overflowing past the neck which leads to the collection cup.

Hopefully I won't have any problems with water overflow. My flow is adjusted as per the manual (45 degrees - so half water flow). Until I really put some live rock and inverts in there I won't know how much flow is needed to get the dry foam to the top and over the neck.

Here's a picture of the foam that it's producing with nothing in the tank.

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