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Old 09-20-2020, 03:16 AM
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Default Places to save a buck or two

I know there are a few posts about this but it’s been a few years since they’ve been updated so I figured I’d start a new post to be summarily ignored 😎😎

As we know this is an expensive hobby and we like to save a buck or two wherever we can especially when it comes to equipment.

My number one favourite place to go is the Dollar Store as about half my tools and supplies come from here. Stuff like Turkey baster(all plastic) salad tongs(plastic) plastic zip ties, scrapers and numerous other articles it’s saved me hundreds of dollars just this store alone. Best thing is if you break it your only out 3 bucks at the most.

Michael’s arts and crafts While this isn’t exactly the cheapest store you can get glues that are water safe, arcyllic glass (it’s not the cheapest but sometimes the best stocked) needles and syringes can be got here as well.

Any hardware store for pipes and connectors it’s just a matter of shopping around for the best deal. You can also get netting, egg crate and other materials for lids at these stores. Home hardware, Crappy Tire, Rona, Lowe’s, Home Depot and so on are always good places to check out.

These are but a few places to go shopping for stuff feel free to add to the list.
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