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Old 11-28-2019, 04:35 PM
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Default Dealing with humidity


I've read a few threads here regarding humidity and i'm at a bit of a loss.

Here's my situation, family has commented on the humidity level in the house and how they aren't comfortable in it.

My set up, Peninsula display tank on main floor of a very open floor plan (backs very near to an exterior wall). Sump is in crawlspace in basement.

i have forced air heating and A\C.

Portable dehumidifier wont work for me due to size of tank (evaporation) and because of open layout of home.

From what i can tell, an HRV might be the way to go for me. However i'm really at a loss as to what an HRV actually is, what it does, what it looks like, what would be involved to retrofit.

Only other option i can think of would be to create a closed canopy over my display and vent it directly outside. While i think this should work, building this canopy would obstruct a bit more of my view looking out from one of our main living spaces, and while not a deal breaker per se, aesthetically not my first choice as thats why i dont have a canopy on it currently.

Any thoughts? any input? The family puts up with me having my dream tank, so i want to make sure it doesn't interfere with them being comfortable in their own home.

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Old 11-28-2019, 07:15 PM
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You could add a dehumidifier to your furnace. You would need a consult with a HVAC company to be sure.
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Old 11-29-2019, 07:02 AM
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Another thing that works very well in my house is I have a power switch that turns on the air circulation units on my house. Just circulates inside air with outside air. Turn that on for an hour or two each day and my humidity level is under control. And since the furnace is automatically set to turn on if it gets too cold in the house during that time especially during winter I don't have to worry about the house getting too cold.

Probably the most cost-effective way to reduce your humidity. It's just not as automatic as a dehumidifier or a HRV(heating recovery ventilation) system.
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Old 11-29-2019, 03:13 PM
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Ironically enough I have several tropical plants near my tank which helps with my humidity issue my humidity sits at around 40-50% year round without them my humidity used to sit closer to the 70% mark. I went with tropical as they require less water and with the moisture near my tank the leaves just sop it up
My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....
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Old 11-29-2019, 04:17 PM
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interesting... thanks for all your suggestions so far!

all different, but all good!
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