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Old 03-09-2018, 02:34 AM
Sliver Sliver is offline
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Default red sea reefer tanks?

Hello, been a member on the forum but have yet to post. I've had to move around for work for the last few years and I'm finally settling in. I have been keeping dart frogs for years but really want to have a small reef tank. I have 3 small children and who love looking at fish with me (we go all the time) and were all excited to get one up and running. My wife is hesitant (to say the least) but agreed to let me move forward.

I'm looking at purchasing a Red Sea reefer nano or 170. I have read a ton of information and from what I see they look like solid tanks. I'm just curious what you guys might think of them? are they worth it?

With that being asked I've called a few places and find that they seem to charge more for the tanks then I see online. Has anyone had one shipped, can you recommend the best place to buy from?

I want the to set up the tank, sump with a carbon reactor, no refugium (for now).

What is the best light? I was thinking a kessil a360 or a ai hydra. I have been told to steer clear of the hydra by my local fish shop and I'm confused why.

I apologize if I'm posting this in the wrong place, there is so many!
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Old 03-09-2018, 04:14 AM
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I have a red sea reefer 350. I have had it for a couple years. I think the stands are really well made. I didn't have the time or patience to build my own stand and most of the other stands out there are garbage. This was the main reason I bought it because it sits in my dinning room.

It is nice that the whole system is integrated. The only thing is I would have liked a bigger sump so that I have room to grow chaeto. Also the pipe fittings are in metric which makes purchasing fittings to tie into the system if you want to hard pipe the tank extremely difficult.

I prefer the reefer to the all in one red sea tanks because I can put my own lights and pump on it.

Purchased mine from J@L Aquatics
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Old 03-09-2018, 01:32 PM
Rubicon Rubicon is offline
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I know it
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Old 03-09-2018, 01:54 PM
Rubicon Rubicon is offline
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Not sure what happened with the rest of the post. Tapatalk cut it off.

I know it is not a Red Sea but I have a biocube and I love the tank just wish it was bigger again. I was searching for some of the original redsea AIO tanks in the 65 g range. I like the way they look with the matching stands and I like the top on them. Keeps things out of the water and hides the lights.
Have you checked out kijiji there was one on their awhile ago, they do pop up here used as well.
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Old 03-09-2018, 03:07 PM
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I had a Red Sea Reefer Nano for almost 2 years before I upgraded. Tank and stand are top notch, loved the look and quality. The biggest problem I had with my Nano is the massive amount of space the overflow takes up, you wind up with 13" front to back max. If I were to do a nano again like the RSR I would get a custom tank built with external overflow.
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Old 03-10-2018, 12:16 AM
Sliver Sliver is offline
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So I've decided to move forward and get the reefer 170. Im driving out to pick it up tommorow. I originally thought the tank was empty but have doundnout that is not the case. Im torn between just setting it up right away and putting everything back in or cleaning it all, start the cycle over and finding homes for the occupants. I went to Big Als today to see if they would give any credit towards fish down the road but they said nope.

Current occupants are (what I was told, and dont have more info on them)
- 1 clownfish
- 1 cardinal
- 1 bicolor blenny
- 1 cleaner shrimp
- 1 royal gramma
- a few snails and some zoas

Im in the Edmonton are if anyone is interested in any of these.

My plan for occupants is 2 clownfish (black and white), and maybe keeping the blenny and the shrimp. Basically if anyone wants the cardiinal they are welcome to pick it up from me in Beaumont tmmrw. (Ill be looking at the occupants and state of the tank tmmrw, might be getting rid of all the occupants if the system isnt where I want it to be)

The reefer come with a icecap k2-50 skimmer, a carbon reactor, kessil a350 and of course the reefer 170 plus a bunch of extras (live rock, salt, etc...) Should he a fun day.
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Old 03-10-2018, 01:01 AM
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I might be intersted in the Cardinal and Royal Gramma, can you PM the details. Any idea how long they were in the tank for?
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Old 03-11-2018, 04:26 AM
Sliver Sliver is offline
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Ended up picking up the red sea reefer 170 today. was a long drive there and back to get it. Helped tear it down and transported the livestock home. Ended up putting them in a 20 gallon quarantine tank with their live rock and water. installed an RO DI and made about 50 gallons of water. Cleaned equipment until I could not clean anymore (lots more to do). Hopefully will be able to put water into it by the middle of the week and begin the process of the cycle .
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