Hello there! I am in Vancouver, BC, and I am selling one juvenile Koran angelfish (reef safe with caution), one ORA captive-bred ocellaris clownfish(reef safe), and one dardanus megistos hermit crab(not reef safe). All of these are in excellent health. The angel and the clown accept flake food readily, but I do supplement their diet with pieces of frozen shrimp and mussels. The reason I put the angel as "reef safe with caution" is that although it pecked at my lps once or twice, it never bothered by sps. The hermit crab is in a shell with a opening length of approximately three inches long and one inch wide, and although it is not a good reef candidate, it would make a great predator tank or FOWLR tank clean up crew. As well, you can put it in your sump or fuge to eat uneaten food. It even eats bristleworms, so if you have a problems with them, I would recommend this hermit for you!
Starting prices for livestock:
juv. Koran angel-$45
ocellaris clownfish-$15
hermit crab-$25
Special discount if you buy more than one! PM for details.

rices are negotiable.
PM me if you are interested