After my recent fiasco with the Moorish Idols, I decided to try my hand at another difficult fish: the multi-barred angel. Since I am clearly a glutton for punishment (aren't we all in this hobby?), I sourced three little cuties. I have been looking for one for a year now, I even started a LF thread, to no avail. So, when the opportunity arose, I bought 3 of them. Two are loonie-sized and the third is more the size of a twoonie. Needless to say twoonie is dominating the other two.
I threw them in a 33 gallon with some cheato and props for hiding places, but they don't seem to care. They are all swimming around happily. There's some minor chasing, but nothing they can't handle.
The second day I started throwing in a variety of foods. So far they have nibbled at some cyclop-eeze, both frozen and dried. I haven't seen them eat anything else.
I want to see them eat before I add Prazipro. I want to treat them with Prazipro preventively and then keep them in hyposalinity for a month. Any comments/suggestions?