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Old 09-18-2014, 08:09 AM
Moarisa Moarisa is offline
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Default [FS] 72g Bowfront system with Misc livestock and coral (Maple Ridge, BC)


I'm selling off my 72g bowfront aquarium system as I haven't had the time, money or space for it for the past year but held on to it hoping that maybe I would someday. It's been neglected for all this time and it seems silly to keep it around now.

The tank itself is in pretty good condition, there are minor scratches on the glass at substrate level from the gravel used by the previous owner. It has no leaks but is in need of a good cleaning. The tank comes with glass lids, a topper which has it's own plastic lids, a 4 ballast full length Fluorescent light fixture and a stand which is in good condition. I'm also including 2 Filstar Canister filters, most of a 5g bucket of salt, a big container of charcoal, piping and buckets for water changes, water conditioner and a miscellaneous assortment of other supplements and supplies. I would like around $400 for this setup but may be willing to negotiate. You would definitely need to be able to pick it up.

The current inhabitants include 2 misbarred black clowns, a little hawkfish, a tuxedo urchin, some corals (one of which I'm fairly certain is a Lithophyllon but haven't IDd for sure) and a bunch of live rock. I very much recommend tossing the sand as, although I changed it during my most recent move, that was over a year ago and I don't have notable substrate stirrers. For individual pieces please post to discuss prices, for the set included with the tank I would include it all for an even $50 on top of tank cost as this would make life so much easier for me.

I can post or send pictures if requested.
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