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Old 01-23-2014, 04:58 AM
syncro syncro is offline
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Default FS: Banggai cardinal fry - Calgary

I have 28 fry for sale for $55. They are 1 week old. This is the 3rd batch from the parents.

Care: feeding 2-3 times per day (small stomachs). Live baby brine shrimp for 3 - 9 weeks. The first batch I was never able to completely ween off live food even after 2 months. Likely need a smaller tank devoted to them for food density, low flow and so they don't get eaten. Due to the high food density the tank will need regular water changes. Before buying consider they extra time they will require.

Here is a video of the first batch eating, so cute:

Last edited by syncro; 01-23-2014 at 05:02 AM.
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Old 01-23-2014, 09:09 PM
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Wow so cute! Hope someone is able to raise them to adulthood...
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Old 01-24-2014, 02:56 AM
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Sucks that I am gone for a week on holidays in March or I would grab them. Good luck with the sale.
240 gallon tank build:
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Old 01-24-2014, 08:29 AM
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Thumbs up Congrats!

It's great to see someone tank raising livestock and contributing to the reduction of wild caught livestock!

I had a beautiful breeding pair of Bangaii Cardinals and also raised the fry for about 2.5 years. Unfortunately I got too busy to continue breeding so can completely understand the work involved.

PS... I used to sell my fry to local hobbyists for $15ea or 2 for $25, so 28 for $55 is very generous. Hopefully someone has the time and desire to help most of these fry grow to saleable age (around 6-8 weeks). It's very rewarding to see the fry grow and be able to pass them on to others to live on to adulthood.

Andrew B.
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Old 01-24-2014, 02:29 PM
rogesue rogesue is offline
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Default Fry

Could they survive in the sump and live off frozen brine shrimp?
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Old 01-25-2014, 07:36 PM
daddycline daddycline is offline
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Old 01-25-2014, 10:00 PM
syncro syncro is offline
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Originally Posted by canadawest View Post
PS... I used to sell my fry to local hobbyists for $15ea or 2 for $25, so 28 for $55 is very generous. Hopefully someone has the time and desire to help most of these fry grow to saleable age (around 6-8 weeks). It's very rewarding to see the fry grow and be able to pass them on to others to live on to adulthood.
Wow, I didn't realize they went for so much. What percentage of a batch were you able to raise? My first batch I had about 40% survival to 8 weeks before selling - most of the loses were near the end. I was trying the wean them off BBS but most wouldn't eat anything else.
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Old 01-25-2014, 10:02 PM
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Sold. Thanks.
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Old 01-25-2014, 10:06 PM
syncro syncro is offline
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Originally Posted by rogesue View Post
Could they survive in the sump and live off frozen brine shrimp?
You probably wouldn't have a great survival rate, my guess < 10%.

I had a lot of trouble weaning them off live baby brine shrimp. It might also be hard to get a high enough density of food in the sump. Having said that, I found 3 fry in the sump a week after the father released them. Not sure if they were eating or surviving on their reserves.
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Old 01-25-2014, 11:54 PM
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Keep in mind this was over 6 years ago that I raised Bangaii fry, I have no idea what the going rate for them would be today, but back then $15 for a tank raised fish seemed like a good deal (and kept local hobbyists from having to take wild caught)

I actually had pretty good success with them. I had a little acrylic 12 gal all-in-one nano tank that acted as a perfect nursery tank. After I figured out the timing of the first batch or two, I was getting about 75% survival rate. I found I would lose several the first week, then like you would lose a few more just before saleable age (8-10 weeks). I found having an artificial long spined urchin in the tank helped (perhaps lowered their stress?) and did only small weekly water changes. (also less stress?) I also supplemented my bbs hatch water with Selcon, not sure if that helped them be more nutritious? And I dumped live and unhatched eggs into the nursery tank, cause they would eat the unhatched cysts too. Most of mine were weaned to frozen mysis (finely shredded) before selling.

Originally Posted by syncro View Post
Wow, I didn't realize they went for so much. What percentage of a batch were you able to raise? My first batch I had about 40% survival to 8 weeks before selling - most of the loses were near the end. I was trying the wean them off BBS but most wouldn't eat anything else.

Andrew B.
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