Please add your vote to the poll or your comment below
So what's your favorite aspect to the hobby?!?!
Physics with the flow, overflow, downflow, gyre flow, or any kind of flow. Piping in the ultimate sump,header, overflow or balancing light and heat. If you just love the way things move around then this is your favorite aspect
Chemistry with the water quality, perfecting an ocean like tank. Reactors, additives, dosers, and drips. If you love being a mad scientist then this is your favorite aspect
Biology with the growth. Watching, examining, learning, and loving the animals and plants within your little ocean paradise. If your a self proclaimed marine biologist then this is your favorite aspect
The TOYS. Sometimes expensive and sometimes a headache, but DAM are they cool. If you like all the gadgets and gizmos then this is your favorite aspect
OMFG DOze ColOrs are TRIPeeeeeeeeeee. Acans, zoas, plates, doughnuts, mushies, rics, SPS, lps, softies, nemZ, and all the rest. If you lose yourself in all the majesticness, then this is your favorite aspect
Other, maybe I didn't think of something or you just want to add to the convo

:mrgr een: