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Old 12-21-2010, 03:38 AM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 1,591
ScubaSteve is on a distinguished road
Default Scuba Steve's Most Excellent Playlist

Most of you don't really know me but for those that do, you know that the only thing that surpasses my obsession for all things water (Coral dominated aquariums, a water related business, water related PhD, competitive swimming, scuba diving... I can go on and on...) is my obsession for music. I don't know why but I really feel like starting a music thread to share some of the music I find with you all... After all, music is to the soul what water is to the body.

I know everyone has different tastes in music, so please don't go trashing me or others for liking particular songs. You'll find a fairly random assortment of music here, so hopefully there'll be something that tickles everyone's fancy. When I say my tastes broad, I can go from Heavy metal to classical to folk to electronic in single day.

I'd like to update this daily, so please stop in for some new tunes. I will be away for two weeks in Maui after Christmas but I'll be back full time after that.

I'd love to also hear some suggestions from others as I always love finding new music! Please PM me your recommendations as I'd like to keep the thread fairly clean and easy to follow.

So to start this off with a bang I've got three additions for today!

So tonight as I sit and sip my beer after a long, hard day I'm really feeling in the mood for something a little mellow:

Damien Jurado - Ohio

Dirk Powell - Waterbound

Mumford and Sons - The Cave

and a little somethin' to get the party started!

Goon and Koyote - Wellness is Wild


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