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Old 08-25-2013, 11:00 AM
nondan nondan is offline
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Default Corals Not Opening as Much

Hey Guys,

I have kept fish only tanks well for the past few years, I have recently set up my new Aqua One Reef 400 and has been doing really well. (Running for 7 weeks, fish in for 3 weeks, coral in for 2 weeks)

I have a Seneye Reef telling me my Ph: 8.22 - 8.30, Ammonia very low, from 0 - 0.006 and temperature is also good.

Recent calcium test was also good, around 400ppm, 0 Nitrite, and iodide test also good.

My problem of late has been that 1 of my 2 Hammer corals has been more closed than opened, and also my cataphilia has not quite been spending as much time fully expanded. I also have a daisy doing the same.

As my coral knowledge is very low, Im not sure whether they are getting enough nutrient or whether its something else.

I feed them 2 serves per week of "Reef Snow", and also a weekly dose of Strontium supplement.

I have only had the corals for 2 weeks but would like to learn to understand them better.

Any ideas what the cause could be for this behaviour?
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Old 08-25-2013, 11:40 AM
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You need to test for nitrate and what is you salinty.
tank should be established for about 6 months before adding coral.
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Old 08-25-2013, 12:13 PM
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I would guess your fish are picking at them. It doesn't take much to upset hammers when they are new to a tank even the odd peck. Try isolating one of them completely from the fish and see if he inflates.
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Old 08-25-2013, 12:32 PM
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Originally Posted by jorjef View Post
I would guess your fish are picking at them. It doesn't take much to upset hammers when they are new to a tank even the odd peck. Try isolating one of them completely from the fish and see if he inflates.
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Old 08-25-2013, 12:46 PM
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Unless you're testing for strontium, do not add it to your tank. Do a large water change and add nothing. The corals don't need food, so cut out the Snow for a while.
Do not worry about chemistry (Iodide, strontium, etc). Any good quality salt will take care of that. For now, with that amount of coral, I wouldn't even worry about Ca or alk, again, water changes will keep them where they need to be. pH is a useless value, don't concern yourself with it.
Clean water, food for the fish, not too much flow hitting the corals and sufficient light will get you off to a much better start.
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Old 08-25-2013, 01:57 PM
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I agree with Brad as to the keep it simple approach, but I would do weekly tests for Calcium, Alkalinity and Magnesium. Even if your tests for those three are fine, it will help you understand how your corals react to different water conditions and give you peace of mind that there's nothing seriously wrong.

Don't worry about the iodide, stop dosing the strontium and Reef Snow.
Do weekly water changes, 10%

Large fleshy corals will frequently expand and contract. It is their way of processing waste products. Think of a sponge wringing itself out.
It can also be from poor water conditions, but your weekly water tests will tell you something is wrong.

Please tell us what salt your are using, the lighting you have and what the temperature number is.

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Old 08-25-2013, 09:25 PM
nondan nondan is offline
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Thanks for the advice their guys!

Ok, I have a salinity showing 1.022 with my hydrometer, and I don't mix my own salt. I buy 2 x 25 litre drums from my local shop which has kept me out of trouble with any issues from my tap water.

The temperature fluctuates between 24 and 26 degrees.

The lighting I use is a fully automated LED system, by Aqualina. It has white, blue and purple LEDs, I believe the purple are for coral growth.

I have a fair bit of water flow, nothing directed at any of the coral. A pair of aqua one 10000 wave makers, both facing up at the sump return line to create a ripple on the surface and turbulent flow.. I also have a Vortech MP10 currently set on short pulse mode, the corals do tend to sway back and forward when in happier states.

I am due for a water change tomorrow, so hopefully will see an improvement from their and will hold off on the strontium and reef snow.
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Old 08-25-2013, 10:14 PM
canadianbudz604 canadianbudz604 is offline
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Default Salinity

That's why ur corals are mad, your salinity is too low. 1.022 is for fish only tanks, which is even low. 1.026 is the target.
U can bring it up slowly by topping your tank off with saltwater instead of fresh. But do it slowly because huge salinity swings is bad.
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Old 08-26-2013, 10:44 PM
nondan nondan is offline
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Thanks canadianbudz, I will also bring the salinity up a few notches over the next couple of days also.

Thanks everyone, appreciate all the input
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