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Old 05-28-2013, 05:14 AM
Dreadful Dreadful is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Abbotsford
Posts: 58
Dreadful is on a distinguished road
Default The incredible RBTA survival story!

A few years ago when I started with the hobby I may have started a little too early with anemones. Ashamed to admit I killed a few for really stupid reasons.

However, I eventually discovered this little guy who showed me he's tough as nails:

After only a short time in the tank he decided he liked it best up on the glass right next to the power head.. which I knew was the worst place for him to be but he was intent on staying. He liked it there so much he decided to split!

I gave the second nem to my friend who had also started a tank unaware as to what was coming..

Found the stupid thing after work with his face sucked into the power head

I was smart though and just let him pull himself out. Miraculously he survived and healed himself fully!

However this was only the beginning! After I bought a second clown fish I decided I needed a new, bigger anemone for them to share, and I purchased a Green LTA. Well I suppose the RBTA didnt like him.. because one night he completely disappeared.

I know if nems die they make an awful mess in the tank.. and I was pretty sure nems cant eat nems.. so I had NO idea where this thing had gone and assumed it was just hiding somewhere I couldnt see.

After about a month with still no sign of the poor guy I decided it was time to do a filter clean. After opening up my Fluval 405 I noticed the tiniest little pink blob (about the size of a dime) right before the impeller.

Thinking to myself.. could this possibly be my anemone.. I picked it up and put it back in my tank and sure enough he started to open up!

Things were looking good at first but now its been about a month and hes still all closed up.. hoping for the best!
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