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Old 05-19-2012, 09:27 PM
Aquaria Aquaria is offline
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Default dieing duncan

Is this mold? Just started receding about a 2 month ago and 2 days after my last w/c this happened temp is 78 salinity is 1.025 other per should be stable I don't have a lot of algea growth or cyano anymore since I caught up on my w/c I change 5g every week to week n a half. Could old lights cause this? They are due for a change out. Ducan has been in my tank for a year and was doing good when I moved back in Oct my nitrates were up to 25 and it got a head crushed and it didn't even faze it. Seems weird for it to just up n die now that things are good

Aquaria's SPS nano
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Old 05-19-2012, 09:32 PM
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YOu need to dip it right away with 1/3 peroxyde 3% and 2/3 tank water for a minute or so.

Do it right away because this look like brown jelly and it's going to eat your duncan alive. After the peroxyde dip, return the duncan in the tank and it will heal. They are extremely tough coral and I once had that same brown stuff and used peroxide. The coral regained full healfh and it's now absolutely gorgious.

Also you need to feed a duncan to keep it at its best. They are photosynthetic but feeding them surely help them become strong and healthy.
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Old 05-19-2012, 09:37 PM
Aquaria Aquaria is offline
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Originally Posted by daniella3d View Post
YOu need to dip it right away with 1/3 peroxyde 3% and 2/3 tank water for a minute or so.

Do it right away because this look like brown jelly and it's going to eat your duncan alive. After the peroxyde dip, return the duncan in the tank and it will heal. They are extremely tough coral and I once had that same brown stuff and used peroxide. The coral regained full healfh and it's now absolutely gorgious.

Also you need to feed a duncan to keep it at its best. They are photosynthetic but feeding them surely help them become strong and healthy.
Iv been having an issue getting off its cemented in can i suck it off first since the only spot to grab it is where the stuff is? Also it won't take food like it used to nothing sticks to it anymore just floats away
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Old 05-20-2012, 04:20 AM
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I had the brown jelly appear on 1 head and I quickly cut and scrapped the head completely off. The problem is that the rest of your heads have lost is stickiness, that's a bad sign so it may already be spreading.

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Old 05-20-2012, 02:26 PM
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cut if off the rock and dip it. If the rock is not large, then take the rock out and dip it too if it does not have other coral on it of course. Shut down your pump so the brown jelly won't spread, but you must remove that fast because it spread fast and will infect the whole duncan.

They will recover if at least one head is healthy.

I once cut off a colony in half and since there was half of a head that was cutt off I tried to scrape it completely off. I remove everything except one tiny tentacle, and that was enough to regrow the whole head. They are really tough but the brown jelly is one thing that will kill it if not cleaned right away.

Originally Posted by Aquaria View Post
Iv been having an issue getting off its cemented in can i suck it off first since the only spot to grab it is where the stuff is? Also it won't take food like it used to nothing sticks to it anymore just floats away
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Old 05-20-2012, 03:17 PM
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Brown jelly very, very, bad!

My advice (having lost corals to this already . . . One can infect others) is to get it out of your tank ASAP. I didn't act fast enough. I would set up a hospital tank for it, and place it in that after doing the dip. Make sure to siphon up any brown jelly that you see: substrate, rock, water column, etc. Also, closely inspect any other corals close to it for brown jelly: especially those that are "downstream" from it.

Had I acted quickly, I wouldn't have lost everything I did. I didn't know what I was looking at, and I kept waiting for improvement. I will never allow anything with brown jelly disease to remain in my display tank ever again. Maybe I'm overreacting, but the losses were very hard for me to deal with.
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Old 05-20-2012, 04:14 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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remove the coral immediately no matter what else you have to remove to get is very contagious and any lps in its range will catch it too once its done with your duncan especially hammers,frogs,torchs and duncans.some lps is more tolerant of brown elly while other melt in a couple hours.

dip as daniella had said and check your other lps
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Old 05-20-2012, 05:40 PM
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Originally Posted by reefwars View Post
remove the coral immediately no matter what else you have to remove to get is very contagious and any lps in its range will catch it too once its done with your duncan especially hammers,frogs,torchs and duncans.some lps is more tolerant of brown elly while other melt in a couple hours.

dip as daniella had said and check your other lps
I have read that zoas can be affected by this, in addition to LPS. I'm not sure if that is true or not, though I closely watched mine just to be sure.

I didn't lose anything other than LPS, and I didn't lose all of my LPS (my blasto was unaffected).
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Old 05-22-2012, 07:56 PM
Aquaria Aquaria is offline
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An update for those who care i changed the water removed the duncan and did a short HP bath followed by a revive coral cleaner bath and today the coral is looking as happy as it could be after being eaten alive I lost prob 70% of the flesh but i have 6 polyps left so here's to it making it
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Old 05-22-2012, 08:03 PM
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No more brown jelly appearing? Everything else okay?

I am so glad to learn that things appear to be improving.
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