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Old 11-22-2011, 03:51 PM
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Default Frogspawn and Clowns

I have a HUGE frogspawn - approx size of a volleyball, it was just starting to fill up this morning and I was able to count 7 mouths on it but I'm sure there are a few more. I've been debating fragging it, not sure how as it is not a branching type, more in a hard shell shaped like an "H". Its been in the same spot in the tank since I got it in August, but it looks like its going to get tangled in my powerhead if it grows anymore and I really don't have another suitable place for it. Any suggestions on fragging it or how to?

I just added in a couple of clowns (sebae) on Sunday and last night when I fed the fish, they would grab some shrimp, then take it to the frog and feed it. Was so freakin cool. I may have slightly overfed simply because they kept taking it food and I had to show everyone.. I guess they've decided to host it, they don't go in it, but all around and behind.
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Old 11-22-2011, 04:26 PM
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Ive had clowns live in a branching frogspawn and a touch in the past.
They killed the torch after about 6 months, then moved to the frogspawn, they never really touched it, but shortly after they ended up having black dots.
This happens i learned from some corals they host, it doesn't seem to affect the clowns, and the frogspawn lived a happy life till i got a large carpet nem.
They now reside in reddeer.

Kewl to see them feeding eh, this is normal behavior for the clowns, if you frogspawn eats it, it will grow very large very fast.
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Old 11-22-2011, 04:40 PM
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I've only ever directly feed the frog once, otherwise figured it just grabs whatever is floating by. I'm sure its doubled in size since I got it. Have pics from when I first got it and I think I have updated pics from a week or so. Will post later.

It was cool to see them feed it. I'll have to figure something out with its location otherwise it will end up in the powerhead.

My bicolor blenny seems confused about what type of fish he is, the clowns and the cardinal all hang out in the one corner of the tank, so the blenny will come out and swim in the same direction as the other three, not for long, but does it quite a bit.
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Old 11-22-2011, 04:46 PM
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Perhaps you need to trade for a smaller one
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Old 11-22-2011, 04:57 PM
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Trading is an option...but I haven't seen another one like this, it has multiple tips on each tentacle, not just one white/pink tip. I'd love to keep it if its fragable, keep one for me and sell trade the other three bits. Will get pics up soon.
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Old 11-22-2011, 06:05 PM
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pics of the frogspawn - Nov 12 and Aug 31 - sorry they're so big...

Last edited by Coralgurl; 11-22-2011 at 06:16 PM.
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Old 11-22-2011, 06:21 PM
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My clownfish went into my duncan and after only a few day the coral was in serious decline so I removed it. One of the clownfish then went into the frogspawn and got sting. I could see that it got sting because of his was obvious. That fish is ok now but it never returned anywhere near the frogspawn.

They are now in a turbinaria coral and I got a nice anemone for them and they still host that turbinaria. Stupid clownfish!
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Old 11-22-2011, 06:28 PM
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Did you try putting your anenome where the duncan was? I had other clowns that tried hosting my bubble coral, bought a nem for them but they wouldn't go near it till I moved the bubble to the other side of the tank. Then they took to the nem right away.

I bought a maxi mini nem at the same time as the clowns but didn't realize clowns won't host these. I wasn't planning on adding another nem to the tank, but these are cool.

The clowns aren't going in the frog, just swim really close to it. I have some palys in the same area and one was sitting on them last night. Didn't seem to hurt anything.
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Old 11-22-2011, 06:34 PM
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The duncan was on the rock and the LTA live in the sand, so no can do, but I did put the duncan in the sand near the anemone and I will see what happen.

I really wish I could move the anemone to that spot but there is no room as there are coral around that would get sting and that is a huge 10" + anemone and it's sand dwelling, not meant to live on the rock.

Originally Posted by Coralgurl View Post
Did you try putting your anenome where the duncan was? I had other clowns that tried hosting my bubble coral, bought a nem for them but they wouldn't go near it till I moved the bubble to the other side of the tank. Then they took to the nem right away.

I bought a maxi mini nem at the same time as the clowns but didn't realize clowns won't host these. I wasn't planning on adding another nem to the tank, but these are cool.

The clowns aren't going in the frog, just swim really close to it. I have some palys in the same area and one was sitting on them last night. Didn't seem to hurt anything.
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Old 11-22-2011, 06:45 PM
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I hope your clowns find the anenome! I've had 2 sets of clowns that have hosted right away!
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