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Old 02-18-2004, 10:25 PM
Lofus Lofus is offline
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Default Orchid Dottyback

I was thinking of adding one to my tank. Current inhabitants are:

1 White Cheek Tang
4 Green Chromis
2 Percula Clowns.

Think there could be some issues? How aggressive are the Psudochromis?


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Old 02-19-2004, 03:35 AM
apepper apepper is offline
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Have you seen this article in reefkeeping online magazine.

A quote from this article

"In most cases dottybacks need to be in a tank with mildly aggressive tank mates. Gobies, blennies, small wrasses and other non-aggressive fish will be in danger of harassment, while surgeonfish and triggers will create a more reclusive dottyback. Good tank mates include Cirrhilabrus sp. wrasses, Centropyge sp. angels, clownfish, damsels, and hawkfish."


"Of all dottybacks, Orchids are possibly the most "laid back." That is not saying much, however, as all dottybacks can hold their own in most situations. It does allow you to keep them in quiet settings much easier than some of their cousins, though"
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Old 02-19-2004, 03:38 AM
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I once had a dottyback with my two skunk clowns, it lasted about a month in my tank before it became way to aggressive, it's now living in my roomies tank and still picks on his other fish which include a tomato clown, a damsel, and a kole tang. Dottybacks like a lot of other fish can be mellow or aggressive, depends on the fish and it's enviroment.

Sorry Jim, I know that probably doesn't help much but these type of fish are basically a 50/50
cheers, Rich

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Old 02-19-2004, 03:46 AM
Lofus Lofus is offline
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Thanks for the article. So it looks like they may or may not be aggressive with the tang and clownfish.

Is anyone keeping one now?
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Old 02-19-2004, 05:46 AM
Dale D Dale D is offline
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I just put one in my tank last night. He headed off into the rocks and I haven't seen him again yet. I've always heard that they are one of the less aggressive of the family. I had one a few years back and never had a problem with him.
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