Tank crash
Hi about 2 months ago when I was working out of town I got a call from my wife telling me everything was eaither dead or dieing she described it as everything was crawling out from under the rocks and dieing I lost 2 clowns a coral buety half a dozen crabs and well over a hundred amphipods but to my supprised when I came back and finally got a chance to exam the tank I noticed all my corals were fine and doing great as well as a hermit crab that hangs out on the top of my life rock ( all my corals are placed mid to high in my tank) I have no explanation for the loss water peramiters were all within range so after doing numerous water changes and battling red slime algie for the past month I decide to take a gamble and add two chromis to the tank as a test project if any one has ever had the same thing happen or any ideas or clues to what have might caused this I will appreciate all feed back