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Old 10-15-2010, 12:26 AM
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Default Opinions on nice smaller shoaling fish?

I want a few small fish that will shoal in the 75 gallon tank. I am leaning towards blue eyed cardinals at the moment as they are likely to exhibit shoaling behavior. I'm wondering what other's experience is? I have heard that chromis only shoal when smaller and then split up as they grow. I was also eyeing orange lined cardinals but have been told they will hide more often then shoal.

Other suggestions? Thanks.
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Old 10-15-2010, 12:46 AM
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In order to get fish to shoal I find you need a fish or two that are a tad on the aggressive side to chase the shoal around a bit otherwise they just get comfy and go about their own business. It's pretty tough to pull a shoal off in a 75 gallon tank...I would venture to say almost impossible. Much easier in gargantuan tanks of several hundred gallons. Banggai Cardinals shoal pretty well if you have say 6-8, but that's too many for your tank.
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Old 10-15-2010, 01:11 AM
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DArtfish are like that Ron I have 8 in my tank and they shoal all the time.. tis pretty cool and you can have as many males to females too..
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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Old 10-15-2010, 03:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Ron99 View Post
I want a few small fish that will shoal in the 75 gallon tank. I am leaning towards blue eyed cardinals at the moment as they are likely to exhibit shoaling behavior. I'm wondering what other's experience is? I have heard that chromis only shoal when smaller and then split up as they grow. I was also eyeing orange lined cardinals but have been told they will hide more often then shoal.

Other suggestions? Thanks.
My son bought 3 for the office tank because he was told they would shoal. They only lasted a couple of weeks.
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Old 10-15-2010, 04:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
In order to get fish to shoal I find you need a fish or two that are a tad on the aggressive side to chase the shoal around a bit otherwise they just get comfy and go about their own business. It's pretty tough to pull a shoal off in a 75 gallon tank...I would venture to say almost impossible. Much easier in gargantuan tanks of several hundred gallons. Banggai Cardinals shoal pretty well if you have say 6-8, but that's too many for your tank.
I have a bristletooth tang that is pretty active and zooms around the tank and rockwork frequently. But no other "aggressive fish". Was thinking about a dottyback though

Originally Posted by Skimmer King View Post
DArtfish are like that Ron I have 8 in my tank and they shoal all the time.. tis pretty cool and you can have as many males to females too..
I think that the dartfish might get a bit big to add 4 or 5. I think 5 blue eyed cardinals would still stay small enough to be in there.
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