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Old 07-17-2010, 08:52 PM
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Default Green Pally 2

Since my last post was locked i will make another.
To Zoaelite
I am not hiding anything i made the last post to see why he got loss in his coral on shipment because i didn't understand how he got it the way he did when i shipped it right.
As on the 2nd page of the old thread.

Right now i don't Have the coral or the money he has both. I told him to send me $200.00 Back and that would be the deal. I have calmed down alot since my last rant. The last thing im gonna do at this time is have him send me back the coral. Why would i do that if i can take more of a loss then i already have. Who know i will prob get a rock back.

So i do now have the RCMP(Fraud and Theft) involved and have been on the phone with paypal and visa over this i have sent them all the information and now its a waiting game.

To the other person I am not a DEALER! I am just a person who has a tank who needed money to drive back and forth to his Dads place while dealing with his death. I will be gone yet again monday morning if anyone cares so i wont see much of this.....

After all this if i ever sell anything again it will be local pickup only because i cannot deal with crap like this. If he gets to keep the money and coral i will be forced to sell my tank contents to pay back the fee im being charged.
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Old 07-17-2010, 09:32 PM
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i just want to know did u actually count the palys? or did u assume there were 100 heads?? if u counted did u include the very small ones??

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Old 07-17-2010, 10:22 PM
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Yes i said there was a bunch of baby ones coming up.
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Old 07-18-2010, 02:21 AM
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I believe the both of us have agreed on a decision and Steve will get some money back.

no one likes to be threatened nor ripped off and lets just say this was a lesson for some to be learned, the grass always looks greener from the other side.
Always looking for the next best coral...

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Old 07-18-2010, 03:11 AM
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I don't really care about greener grass I want some of those green Palys!
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Old 07-18-2010, 03:23 AM
ongquang21 ongquang21 is offline
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I'd like this one more than that.
How do you think, Kien?

Last edited by ongquang21; 12-21-2011 at 01:57 AM.
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Old 07-18-2010, 04:08 AM
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I would never send $250 to a private seller who I don't know, and who I have never dealt with before. At the very least I would be asking about other people who have dealt with the seller. As the buyer on this end I would make a public post about the situation, but in the end simply call it water under the bridge. Lesson learned. The colony is nice, is the same colony as pictured, and appears to have the same number of polyps as pictured (albeit they aren't in full expansion).

To the seller, how the heck did end up getting his money back without sending you the coral back?
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

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