Hello. Not sure if I'm posting this in the wrong forum? I want to put up some pictures and info on my FOWLR, and receive a little advice or criticism or encouragement haha.
So anyways my gf and I are taking this on as a joint project. We are both one thousand percent brand new to this hobby. In the future she would like to have a reef aquarium, and we're talking about starting up a nano sometime in 2013.
I've done a lot of lurking on the major reefkeeping forums, and other essays available on the subject of marine aquariua (mostly thru google searches) but I admit I've never browsed this particular site. Was referred here from LFS.
For now it's a 55 gal FOWLR.

If I should go ahead and post stats and questions
etc just-a lemme know thanks! I have a few pictures up and we're gonna try to get some more posted.